Voices in my head

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"Wanna go grab some breakfast?"

I squint at her in the now bright morning sunlight "like, just us?"

Her smile is shy when she replies "yeah like just us"

"Yeah" I breath "yeah let's go get some food"

She giggles and climbs out of the hammock, I do the same smiling like a fucking fool because Kiara Carrera wants to to out and get breakfast with just me. Suddenly embarrassment hits me when I realise I can't afford to buy anything, it's not my pay week and I spent the last of my money on beer and pizza last night

"Wait um I'd love to go out with you and eat but I uh" I drop my head, looking at the ground "I don't have any money"

Kiara just looks at me and smirks "it's okay, I'll sugar mama ya"

I burst out laughing and shake my head at her in bemusement "well when you put it that way, how can I refuse"

We head into town and to the wreck where we order a couple egg and bacon rolls and slip into a booth by the window at the back of the restaurant, we fall into conversation so easily. Talking to kie always comes so naturally it's never awkward or uncomfortable for us, even right now with the word Date floating around my brain like it's been doing ever since she mentioned coming here alone together. Is this a date? I don't know but I don't see her going out alone with john b or pope.. or any boy for that matter, except for maybe Matt.

I take a sip of my smoothie and look up at Kie
"so how's kook boy?" I can't help myself asking the question that's on my mind, I want to know how she feels about him

She smiles knowingly at me, it's like she can see right through me. "I don't know, why don't you ask him"

I snort at her "you haven't heard from him since last night?"

She bites her lip for a second before pulling out her phone and showing me a text message from Matt from earlier this morning that she'd obviously ignored asking her to go to breakfast with him

A cocky grin slowly creeps onto my face as I read the message "let me get this straight" I say leaning back against the seat and looking at kie smugly "Matt asked you out to breakfast and your response is to ignore him and ask me out instead?"

Kiara's eyes scan my face and her lips pull up slightly at the ends like she's fighting a smile

"maybe i just felt bad for using you for your weed all the time"she teases now wearing a playful grin

"And for my dick"

"JJ!" She laughs in shock and kicks me in the leg until the table "Ouch" I chuckle as I bend down to rub my leg

"Or maybe I just felt like being with you today"

She chose me over Matt. For breakfast, not to be with, but still.. that means something right?
I should probably say something, I've been staring at her for a hot minute

"Oh yeah?" I reply doing my best to keep a cool composure despite my pounding heart

"Yeah Jay" her voice is suddenly completely serious and I'm doing my best not to just lean over the table and kiss her, fighting the urge I look into her eyes and ask "why kie?"

She looks away for a moment, and when she looks back into my eyes I notice a very un Kiara like expression on her face that looks a lot like nervousness, she's always been so confident before. I look at her just wanting patiently for her answer

"I-I like how it feels when we're together, how I feel when your around"

I swallow hard

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