As long as your happy

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Kiara's pov

I'm taking things slow with Matt, we aren't officially dating yet even though he's asked me to be his girlfriend twice now I've answered the same both times telling him I'm just not ready to make a commitment to him again so soon. We've been hanging out a lot, kissing a little bit, nothing more.

As for JJ him and I have gone back to the way we were before all of this fake relationship stuff started, we act like we hate each other again except this time we both know that's not the truth, it's just easier that way you know? We only ever hang out in the group never alone.. that would be weird. Occasionally we'll smoke together, usually in silence never far away from the others and never for very long.
JJ gives me blunts to take home sometimes
Matt hates the fact I smoke weed
He hates it even more that jj is the one that gives it to me.

"That smells disgusting Kiara do you have to smoke that shit?" Matt asks screwing up his face as I take a drag of the joint between my fingers

We're sitting on the beach after school because he wanted  to hang out before I go to the chateau later, which is something else he's starting to complain about now that I've ignored his comment about the weed

"I don't understand why you need to go to this John b guys house all the time?"

I sigh becoming frustrated "because he's my friend Matt, all of my friends hang out there it's just what we do okay?"

"And that jj guy you had a thing with.. is he always there?" He asks looking like an insecure little boy

"He's John bs best friend so yes usually jj is there" I say like it's the most obvious thing ever

He looks at me for a second like he's debating whether or not to ask me something
"Did you ever.. fuck him?"


I could lie
But why should I? It's not like I did anything wrong. We were broken up.

I look away from him and down at my hands "yeah, once" I admit

I don't expect him to react the way he does when he throws his head back and burst out laughing

"What's so funny?" I ask him, genuinely confused

"You seriously downgraded after I dumped you kie, I mean no offence to you or anything but he's a literal piece of trash from the cut"

I stare at him for exactly 3 seconds before standing up and yelling "take that back!"

"Woah calm down what's wrong?" He asks also standing up

"JJ is not a piece of trash, just because you are feeling insecure does not give you the right to talk shit about him like that, he's still my friend"

I don't know how true that last part is but
I feel my blood literally boiling, I could say so much more, I could tell him how I certainly didn't downgrade when I slept with jj, how he made me feel things in one night that Matt couldn't make me feel in our entire relationship, but I bite my tongue.

Matt sighs and softly grabs my shoulders "okay your right, I'm sorry kie that was out of line, I'm sorry okay? Forgive me?"

I just silently nod before looking down at my phone and checking the time "I should go home, Sarah is picking me up on her way to the chateau"  I mutter, not meeting his eye

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