Phase 1

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it was a school day but I didn't feel like going to that shit hole so I was spending the morning or afternoon fuck knows what time it is now, out in the surf. I catch a few more waves and then head back to the beach to check the time on my phone 11:36. Then I noticed a notification from...Kiara? she never texts me but have a feeling I already know what this is going to be about before I open the message

[you coming to school today?]

[wasn't planning on it why, do you miss me?🤔]

[yeah that's it 🙄 I was hoping we could start phase 1]

[phase 1? Doesn't Matt go to kook academy?]

[yes but he has friends that go to our school, people talk, use your brain 🤦🏾‍♀️]

[and what would you have me do exactly? Mack on you in class?]

[flirt moron]

[be there in 20🙄]

I stare at my phone for a minute, sure I had a pretty flirty nature even when it came to Kiara mainly because it annoys the living shit out of her. But I've never flirted under fucking pressure before..
Third person POV
JJ arrives at school about 30 minutes later and heads to the class he has with John b and Kiara

"Nice of you to join us jj" the teacher says glancing at him briefly before turning his attention back to the bored

"Sorry sir" jj mutters

Kiara and John b are sitting next to each other and there is a spare seat either side of them jj instinctively begins to walk over to John bs side but freezes mid stride clears his throat, steps backwards twice and places his books down on the desk next to Kiara before sitting down and flashing her a flirty smile which she returns, earning them both a side eyed smirk from John b.

An act as small and innocent as jj maybank choosing to sit next to Kiara Carrera over John b in class doesn't sound like much but it certainly caught a few classmates attention, those quiet giggles, whispers and sniggers told them that phase 1 had definitely begun.

After class Kiara and jj walk with John b to his locker

"So you two are really doing this thing huh?" Laughs John b

JJ just mumbles something about being bored and having nothing better to do

Kiara shrugs and says "yep" then notices a groups of girls behind John b walking their way and adds "that girl in the middle is dating Matt's friend Ryan"

"And?" Both of the boys say at the same time

Kiara rolls her eyes

"Phase 1 maybank" she whispers before wrapping her arms around his neck in a flirty hug, he looks taken aback but takes the hint and snakes his arms around her waist pulling her closer, she giggles a very un Kiara like giggle and drops a sweet kiss on his cheek just as the group of girls walk past

Once the group have passed Kiara quickly pulls away to see a smug look on both of the boys faces

"Did she see?" She asks choosing to ignore their expressions

"I have no idea" says jj in a fake dreamy voice looking dazed

Kiara smacks him lightly in the side of the head

John b bursts out laughing and says "she definitely saw kie, the whole group gave you a dirty look"

Kiara smiles looking satisfied  "good"
Kiara's POV
So far this is a lot easier than I thought it would be, I mean I haven't exactly made Matt jealous yet.. but people have definitely noticed jj and I and it's only day 1, it won't be long at all before word gets back to Matt at the kook academy and who better to ask than my bestie who just so happens to go to the same school.. Sarah can totally keep me posted and give me updates on Matt.  this should be a breeze.

I get a lift back to the chateau with jj, pope and John b after school because we are meeting Sarah and Cleo there again tonight which was a pretty standard practice much to my parents disapproval. Jj and I bickered the entire ride about dumb shit like who has better taste in music and why we should or shouldn't use plastic bags. John bs solution was to turn the music up full blast and drown us out.

A few hours later everyone is chilling in the living room at the chateau, pope and jj are arm wrestling with johb b as judge, Sarah and Cleo are watching videos on Sarah's phone and I'm playing my ukulele

"That's cheating! He's cheating" I hear jj yell

I instinctively roll my eyes, clearly i can add sore looser to the list of things I don't like about him

"Whatever man I'm going to crumble some herb, anyone?"

"Nah gotta keep that signal clear bro" pope says smiling

"John b?" Asks jj giving him the puppy eyes

"Man I'm literally about to go to bed I'm beat" yawns John b wrapping an arm around Sarah

Jjs eyes land on me "princess?"

"What you scared to go out there alone or something?" I tease

"Whatever I mean if you don't want it, more for me" he says and starts to head for the door

Damn it, of course I want to smoke and he knows it. Argh I hate him.

I roll my eyes and stand up he smirks and steps out of the way "after you"

I make a point to shove my shoulder into his on my way past and I can feel his eyes burning into my ass as I walk past but I choose to ignore it for the sake of that joint behind his ear

We sit in a comfortable silence on opposite ends of the hammock, swaying slightly in the breeze, passing the joint between us for a while until jj finally speaks, his voice softer than usual

"remember when we were friends?"

I did remember. But that was a lifetime ago, we were kids, before we discovered all of our differences.. all the things we can't stand about each other.

"In elementary school? Yeah I think I recall something like that" I laugh taking a drag

He's watching me and something about his expression makes me uncomfortable.. because I can't read it.

I pass him the joint and he takes a drag "why do we fight so much?"

"Jesus jj what is this 20 questions? I don't know.. we just do, you're annoying" I say feeling flustered and pretty high at this point

I expect him to say something smart back, to start an argument but he just smiles at me.
smiles at me.
why are you smiling at me like that?
Don't smile at me like that.
I find myself smiling back and then suddenly we are both laughing hysterically

What a fucking weird night, this must be some strong weed.

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