Lucky girl

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"I'm telling you now Kiara if this pouge JJ can't act right this time that's it. No more chances.. I can't believe I let you talk me into rehiring this kid" my dad rambles as he paces the kitchen before I leave for school on Monday morning. 

I sigh "Dad chill, JJ is super grateful this time, he is going to do better"

My dad frowns slightly and then asks "your not dating him are you?"

I choke on my orange juice

"N-no of course not, we're..."
I pause for a second, what are we?
Fake dating
but I'm not about to tell my father that.
"We're friends" I say grabbing an apple and heading towards the door before he can question me anymore

"Hmm. Have a good day at school sweetheart"

"Bye dad!"

I grab my phone out of my pocket as I start walking to school and i text JJ

[meet me at my locker]


I squint at my phone, Seriously?

[boyfriend duties dumb ass]

No reply, cool.

He better take this seriously, I literally just got the guy his job back and it wasn't exactly an easy task.

When I get to school I walk up the hallway and see pope and Cleo so I stop and talk to them for a little while before making my way to my locker

To my surprise, leaning against said locker is a blonde boy holding two take away coffee cups and smiling sweetly at me "took you long enough princess"

I bite my lip to hold back from giggling because the sight before me is all too much

"starting out strong I see" I say taking the coffee that he's now holding out for me. I take a sip, cringe a little and add "literally"

He laughs and moves over so I can open my locker to get my books out "boyfriendly enough for ya?"

"So far so good" I smile closing my locker and turning to face him "now walk me to class"

"Yes ma'am" jj chuckles and throws an arm around my shoulder as we walk back down the hallway

Just as we are about to reach my first class of the day we are stoped by a group of girls, girls who I used to be friends with,  girls who like to pretend to still be my friends whenever they want to know my business or have something to gossip about

"Kie!! Oh my god we heard matt dumped you..are you okay?!" The strawberry blonde haired girl touches my arm in a fake comforting kind of way before her eyes drop to jjs arm that is still draped around my shoulders

"oh maybe you are okay after all"she adds smirking up at jj

I feel my cheeks growing warm but I keep my cool

"uh yeah I'm good, great actually, I've moved on" I glance at jj who is already watching me as I talk

One of the other girls in the group speak up

"JJ maybank?? Lucky girl"
they all giggle

"are y'all together?" one of the girls ask

"yup" jj says before I can reply

"interesting" the girl mutters before the group walk away whispering enthusiastically

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