Chapter 3

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Miranda s prov

Whenever I got home I took a shower than I said goodnight to my new father

Miranda:"Dad,I'm going to bed um goodnight."

Dad:"Goodnight sweetheart sleep tight.....If you need anything my room is right down the hall from you,so just come get me up alright."


I than went upstairs to my new room and sat down on my new bed,it feels really weird not having Molly and Cadence here next to me every night saying goodnight and braiding each others hair we did that every-night in the orphanage for the past 12 years man it's so weird it feels like I'm all alone with no friends ,but that probably won't last long because I start my new school Monday Shawn thinks it is a good idea because he dosn't have his world tour until summer so that gives me time to finish off the school year anyways I pulled the letter Cadence and Molly wrote me and started reading it and it said

Dear Miranda,

Wow! we can't believe your leaving us after 12 years of being here together, Cadence and I always thought you would get adopted before us and turns out we were right! Congrats we hope you are really happy with your new family,we're sure your new parents will treat you well,but if they don't you better write us because if they don't be nice to you they are gonna have to deal with Cadence and I and if we come up there it's not going to be very pretty lol. We are going to serious going to miss you though it's not going to be the same without you. Have a blast and make something out of your life we know good things are coming your way your very smart,gorgeous and funny don't let know one tell you diffrente and please always remember us because we are always going to remember you. We are friends for life, Homies,Sisters. Have a good life we will see you again.

Lots of love

_Cadence Simpson and Molly Hikes_

after I read the letter I had tears streaming down my face I mean literately anyways I folded the letter up where it wont rip and put it back underneath my pillow I am never going to forget Molly and Cadence there like my sisters and sisters stick together even though they are miles apart man I am going to miss them anyways I jumped into my bed and I fail fast asleep.

The next morning

Beep!Beep!Beep! goes my new alarm clock I looked over at my clock and it said Monday 6:30 AM uggg it's my first day of my new high school I wonder what school Shawn.....I mean signed me up in. As soon as i went to my still unpacked bag I heard Shawn yell up

Shawn:"Miranda get up for your first day of your new school don't want to be late. "

Miranda:"OK!"(says sleepily)

I got out of my bag a blue long sleeve with a camera in the middle,some light pink jeans,light brown flats with flowers on them.Than i went to my jelwery box and put the neckelas Molly bought me for my birthday last year on and went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup and to brush my teeth than i went to my closet where I put my backpack grabbed it that i went downstairs where Shawn was sipping his Chocolate milk

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