Chapter 15

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Miranda's Prov

I rolled my eyes at Aaron than said

Miranda:"What do you want?"

Shawn:"Well hello to you to Miranda,Justin my man how the heck are you?"

Justin:Hey bro I'm doing good just meet your beautiful daughter here."

Shawn:"She is beautiful isn't she,but she is also single and she is gonna stay that way."

Whenever Justin Called me beautiful the look on Cameron's and Dads face where hilarious after he said that to Justin he grabbed my arm and pulled me somewhere away from everyone great what does he want now

Miranda:"What,if they are here I will go to your house and get my bags."

Shawn:"No No No,You are not going anywhere I found a solution for me to go on tour and for you to be able to keep out of that orphanage."

Miranda:"Which is?"

Shawn:"You stay with one of the guys while I'm gone."

Miranda:"But ain't all of the guys going on Vacation for the summer?"

Shawn:"All except Taylor,Thomas and the Grier's,I would suggest you stay with Autumn or Candice,but Autumns dads a drunk and Candice mom doesn't like  visitor's."

Miranda:"Oh,so I'm not going back to the orphanage?"

Shawn:"No,look Miranda I'm sorry I had second thoughts about you I just wanted to go on tour really bad it made me have some decision I could never go threw with,I'm sorry Miranda will you forgive me?"


Whats Miranda gonna say will she forgive Shawn or will she not read more to find out

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