Chapter 12

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Miranda's Prov

Nash and I looked back out the voice and our eyes almost popped out of our heads it was my dad talking to his manager crap I can't get caught skipping school I would probably get into lots of trouble I don't know I stood their and Looked at Nash and he looked at me Nash than came to his sense and grabbed my arm and we both bolted we ran behind the big tree up closer near the school and got behind it I than looked at Nash and said

Miranda:"What's dad doing here we still got 5 minutes until the bell rings?"

Nash:"I forgot he always comes 5 minutes early whenever has something to do like go to an Doctor Appointment or a meeting or something like that."

Miranda:"Oh that's bad."

Nash:"Yeah I know,but if we stay quite he will never know we are behind here and he will never know you skipped school."

Miranda:"But what about the phone calls they make home if your absent from class?"

Nash:"All under control Autumn,Candice,Thomas and Gilinsky are brilliant when it comes to hacking stuff so we all covered they will just hack in the school security system and change or absents to we attended so yeah."

Miranda:"So we all covered?"

Nash:"Yup in fact right now Candice just text me and said that Gilinsky and Autumn  is hacking the system right now on his phone while Thomas and herself are keeping watch."

Miranda:"Well okay than."

Nash and I hide behind the tree all the way until the bell ring and it was time for the buses to leave I walked out With Nash and Hayes I decided to pretend I walked out on the wrong bell I than went down to dads car where he was standing waiting for me with a smile on his face,but if you looked in his eyes you could tell something was wrong I gave him a hug and got into the car he did the same than turned around into his seat

Dad:"Your out early did you leave on the wrong bell on accident,because you usually walk out with Carter and Aaron and Cameron if he even bothered to show up."

Miranda:"I don't know I think I might have."

Dad:"Oh Miranda your funny anyways you think we should wait on the boys and ask if they need a ride?"

Miranda:"Yeah probably because we need to get ready for the award show tonight."

Dad:"your right.....and Miranda what smells like rotten Garbage."

Miranda:"That probably would be me I accidentally dropped Nash's phone in the trash,so he made me go dig for it and the whole can tipped over on me."

Dad:"Oh typical Nash lol one time he dropped his phone in the toilet and he made Johnson fish it out,the bad thing was he had already used the bathroom."


Dad:"I know."

After the confrontation with dad Aaron and Carter walked out and up to the car and before Aaron could ask for ride Shawn already said

Aaron:"Shawn could we have a."

Dad;"Yes go ahead and get in."

Aaron:"Ok than."

the whole car ride was awkward and it was silent Carter messaged me and asked why I was not in class I told him over text everything so dad couldn't hear anything Carter and Aaron both gave me an amazed look and Aaron gave me a thumbs up for sneaking out I laughed and shook my head once we got to Carters house and dropped him off Aaron asked if he could stay over and of course Shawn said yes once we was actually back home I ran upstairs to my room to get my award show dress Shawn had bought me on my first day here it was gorgeous it was a short Red one of a kind dress it had a black belt with a red rose on it and it was beautiful I than went to my bathroom and took a nice long shower to get all of the garbage smell off of me

Shawn's Prov

while I was at the school picking up Miranda the manager called me and said my summer tour was canceled because I have a kid with me now they said the only way I can continue the tour is if I give Miranda back to the orphanage and I can't do that for the past 2 weeks I have been happier I grew closer to this child I'm attached to her she's everything I ever wanted I mean my career as a singer is all I ever wanted,but I also always wanted a daughter someone I can protect someone I could watch out for and now that I got one I'm happier than I ever have been man I don't know  what to do I can't lose my Career and I can't lose Miranda I don't know what to do,I have to ask Nash for some advice tonight at the awards as Miranda went to go get ready for the show tonight Aaron and I were also

Aaron:"Yo Shawn could I barrow and Pair of your sneakers for tonight?"

Shawn:"Yeah,sure aye do you know if Cameron is coming tonight all the fans keep tweeting me and asking?"

Aaron:"Yeah,Nash texted and said Cam is out of his funk and he decided to come."


Aaron:"Yeah.....aye Shawn whats wrong." 


Is Shawn going to tell Aaron whats wrong or is he gonna lie to him and tell him nothing read next chapter to find out.

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