Chapter 22

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Miranda POV

Alex turned around and looked at us she also gave us a welcoming smile

Alex:"Oh hey Miranda,hey Shawn whats going on?"

Miranda:"Um nothing......Hey Alex can we talk to you for a second......alone *Looks at Riker*

Alex:"Um yeah.....sure Riker babe I will be right back okay."

Riker:"Okay I don't care I got to talk to that girl over there."*Points to a pretty girl with Black hair*

Alex:"Okay,what every*Rolls Eyes and walks over to an empty table and sits down*\

dad and I walked over with her and sat down to once we all where seated dad started talking

Shawn:"Wow he treats you like crap."

Alex:"Yeah,he does and it horrible,I hate being with him he always pays more attention to these hoes other than me,I'm starting to regret that I turned Nash down he probably would have treated me much better than Riker."

Shawn:"Than why don't you go tell him that?"

Alex;"What do you mean?"

Shawn:"Why don't you go tell him what you just said,I mean Nash is a good guy and he would treat you a whole lot better than how Riker is treating you I mean look at him over there his hand is all over that girl."

*Alex looks at Riker and has tears streaming down her face*

Alex POV

Maybe Shawn and Miranda maybe I should tell Riker I'm done and give Nash a chance I mean he probably would treat me way better than Riker does,I mean he doesn't look like the type of person that would flirt with other girls in-front of me like Riker does,tell me I'm just a girl he picked off the street like Riker does you know to think of it I'm pretty tired of Rikers crap and I'm done I think I am going to break up with him and give Nash a chance,but wait where am I going to live I can't live with my mom and dad because they kicked me out,I can't live with my brother because he is in the Military Riker and his family is all I have man I'm confused anyways I looked up at Shawn and Miranda and said

Alex:"Okay say that I did want to break up with Riker and get with Nash,where am I going to live I have nowhere to go?"

*Miranda looked at Shawn excitedly*

Shawn:"We have an extra bedroom in our house you can have."

Alex:"Really,you would do that?"

Shawn:"Yeah,and I'm pretty sure Miranda is getting tired hanging out with the guys and I,I mean once and a while Mahogany will hang with her,but that's when she is not busy and having a girl at the house everyday will probably be much better for her."


Miranda:"So you in?"

Alex:"Yes I'm in."



*Alex Giggles*

Alex:"okay,I'll be right back I have to break up with Riker."

After I said That I walked over towards Riker my hands are shaking and knees are trembling,man why am I so scared I walked over to the couch where Riker is and sat down he looked  at me and said nothing that's was until I said


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