Chapter 6

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Miranda's prov

whenever I sat down at the table everyone looked at me confused everyone stayed quite until none other than my favorite in Magcone Cameron Dallas spoke up

Cameron:"Um Thomas who's this?"

Candice:"Are you serious Cameron you haven't meet the new girl yet?"

Cameron:"No, I don't think any of us has."

Aaron:"I know I haven't."

Jack J:"Me neither."

Thomas:"Oh well this is Miranda Morrison and she came here from West Virgina."

Autumn:"So that's where she's from!"

Whenever Autumn said that everyone starred at her that was kinda of creepy but oh well I'm Screaming inside right now I can't believe the Magcon Boys go to my school and are sitting with me eeeeee well I live with one so this shouldn't be a shock for me but it is but oh well

Matt:"Well that's not weird at all Autumn."

Autumn:"What I'm curious."

Matt:"Well it's still weird."

Matt and Autumn argued for about five minutes until Nash told them both to "shut up!"

Nash:"Would you both shut up and let her speck for herself!"

Matt&Autumn:"Yes Nash."

Nash:"Thank Miranda where you really from?"

Miranda:"Well um I am from West Virgina so Thomas is right about that."

Jack.J:"Country girl nice just the way I like them."

Sammy:"Dude shut up.....Miranda why did you decide to move up here?"

Miranda:"It really wasn't my choice I had to because the guy who adopted me lives up here."

Cameron:"Your adopted?"


Cameron:"By who?"

Miranda:"Shawn Mendes."

Whenever I said Shawn adopted me everyone about chocked on their food except Thomas because he already knew Nash had do literately pat Jack.G on the back cause he about chocked on his Taco.

Taylor:"No way your the 15 year old girl Shawn Adopted?"


Carter:"Dang he did a good job choosing if you were not his daughter I would totally date you,your hot."

Thomas:"Carter back off Shawn aint gonna let you date me I already asked.

Candice:"You never told me Shawn adopted you how come."

Miranda:"Because I don't want everyone to know me as The famouse Shawn Mendes daughter I want to be known as Miranda just a regular teenager."

Nash:"And don't worry you will nobody will know your Shawn Mendes new daughter,as long the press dosn't find out you will be fine and we will treat you like your just a regular person we promise."

Miranda:"Really,thank you!"

Nash:"Yeah now get out of jk jk."

Everyone started laughing at Nash whenever he told me to get out of here lol he's funny anyways for the rest of lunch everyone started talking to me like normal people actual normal people the Magcon Boys are as normal as anyone else wow I never expected that lunch went by pretty quickly and so did the rest of the day soon it was 3:45 and it was time to go Autumn,Candice,Jack,Jack,Sammy,Taylor,Matt,Nash,Hayes and Thomas all rode the bus home so it was just Cameron,Aaron,Carter

and I we all walked out together

Aaron:"Do you think Shawn will give us a ride?"

Miranda:"I don't no does he usually?"

Aaron:"Yeah usually he dose when we ask."

Miranda:"Than Probably."

Shawn's prov

I was out in my car waiting for Miranda whenever I looked out the Window and seeing her walk out with Cameron,Aaron and Carter what the crap why is she walking out with them they are the biggest flirts of the group oh heck no they ain't going to date my daughter Over my dead body I got out the car and smiled at Miranda

Shawn:"How was your day Miranda?"

Miranda:"Good,guess who I meet today."

Shawn:"I'm guessing my fellow Magcon members."

Miranda:"Yeah how did you know."

Shawn:"Darling I see Aaron,Cameron and Carter right next to you."

Miranda:"Oh yeah."

everyone started laughing at Miranda man shes goofy lol anyways I told her to go sit in the car and I will be there in a minute

Shawn:"Miranda go sit in the car and I"ll be there in a minute ok."


Miranda goes sits in the car like I asked her to and it was just me and the boys

Shawn:"What you boys need?"

Aaron:"A ride."

Shawn:"OK get in."


Shawn:"But first."


Shawn:"How did she do on her first day."

Carter:"Pretty good I think,we meet her at lunch today Thomas introduced us."

Shawn:"Oh how she do whenever she meet you all?"

Cameron:"Actually pretty normal she didn't freak out like most of our fans did she was pretty chill."

Shawn:"Thats how she was whenever she meet me,and whenever I went to the adoption agency they said she was a huge fan of the Magcon boys and i was her favorite singer and boy out of us."

Cameron:"Well that's nice to know."

Shawn:"Yeah but anyways will you keep an eye on her for me at school."

Aaron:"Um ok why?"


whats Shawn gonna say why dose he want the boys to watch over his new daughter read more to find out also comment,vote and share also read my other stories The Boy Next Door and Adopted thanks for reading

Lot Of Love


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