Chapter 40(The Final Chapter!!)

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                                                                                                 Shawn's  POV

I looked at Hayes in shock whenever he said I should go down and try to get Miranda back.

Shawn: " Do you really think Miranda will really forgive me for giving her back?"

Hayes:" You'll never know if you don't try."

I looked at Hayes with a little smile  for once he actually gave me a idea and a good one too, but will Miranda forgive me, well it wont hurt to try. I stood there for a moment and went to go grab my car keys Ill get my tickets to West Virginia whenever I get to the airport. I than walked back to the front room and grabbed Hayes wrist making him come with me.

Hayes:" Wait where are we going."

Shawn: "To get my daughter back."

Hayes:" Wait really your taking my advice ."

Shawn:" Yes now lets go."

Hayes nooded and we got in the car and drove to the airport, I just hope she forgives me

                                                                                               Miranda's POV

I sit in the window like old times thinking about the good times Cadence, Molly  and I had. When we were little to the excitement I felt whenever I found out I was getting adopted good times I tell you good times, but their all over now and that's all I can say. Anyways I stood their for about four hours whenever I hear squeals from downstairs. I ignore them because its probably a new arrival that's most likely a hot boy. I keep looking out the window until I hear a slight knock on my door. I turned around and I can't believe my eyes Shawn was standing in my room looking at me. I stood their staring at him feeling angry, overwhelmed, sad and Happy at the same time. Not knowing what to say we stood their staring at each other until Shawn broke the silence.

Shawn:" Your probably wondering why I'm doing here and you must hate me, but please let me explain."

Miranda:" Explain about what why you just gave me up and gave up on me because I told one little lie. I made one little mistake I thought you were supposed to be my dad who was supposed to be there for me and love me no matter what I'd do,but I guess I was wrong."

Shawn:" Miranda please I'm sorry these last two weeks have been miserable the boys miss you Autumn, Candice, Me heck even Thomas even misses you, he hasn't been himself ever since you left he's been going out to bars and getting drunk Cameron has to go get him because he was so drunk we are lost without you please Miranda I'm sorry."

I stood there looking at Shawn, but this time with tears these have been the worst two weeks of my life not only have I been lost without the boys Autumn and Candice, but Molly Cadence and I aren't as close as we were before their was a new foster who came in named Sydney and she seemed to be taking my place in the trio I just want to go home.

Shawn:" Please for me and if that doesn't change your mind for the boys for Candice and Autumn for Cameron please I'll let you two be together please come home we are lost without you."

I didn't say anything all I did was walk up to Shawn and hugged him tight at this moment I relized Texas is where I belong its my home its where my friends are my Father is and hopefully one day a mother who will care and love me as a mother would. We hugged for about a good five minutes until no one other than Hayes walked in the room.

Hayes:" Aye man are you done yet I got screaming girls trynna attack me the staff are trying to hold them back."

Shawn:" Well Miranda are you coming home or what."

Miranda:" Yes."

Shawn and Hayes both attack me with hugs screaming yes while jumping up and down. I think I made the right choice. And learned a valuable lesson its not where you come from or rather you have the same  blood and DNA that makes yo family, it's love that makes you family and I think I found mine


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the final chapter I know I enjoyed writing it. Thanks to those who read and voted until the end shout out to you guys your amazing. I promise you this is not going to be the end of Shawn and Miranda's story because starting tomorrow I am making a sequel but this time with bigger adventures new characters and Miranda will no longer be a Morris she'll be A Mendes! Thanks for reading


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