Chapter 26

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Shawn's POV

Alex just stood their and looked at me than she turned to Riker and said

Alex: "You know what Riker he's right you should go I mean we don't need your cheating ass here ill definitely be much more happier without you maybe, I" ll stop feeling bad and ask my self what the fuck is wrong with me,so yeah leave and don't comeback don't call,text or even look at me Understood?

Riker glares at Alex and storms out everyone around us clapped and Cheers for Alex because know one ever talked to Riker like  that. looks like Nash Learned to put on his big boy pants and Alex learned how to stand up for herself tonight's been a goodnight

Two weeks later

Miranda's POV

It's been Two weeks since Alex came along in our little group and its been Great well Kinda she got off on the wrong foot with Mahogany, Candice and Autumn by saying she didn't like One Direction. I mean even I knew not to make fun of their favorite band because they absolutely love One Direction They love them so much the even got their entire wedding planned out. Mahogany says she's gonna have a beach wedding with Niall Horan and she's gonna have two kids 1 Girl Named Lillian and 1 Boy Named Michael. Candice says she's getting Married to Harry Styles at Disney Land and she's gonna have twin boys Cody and Riley and a girl named Leighanne. And Autumn sweet little Autumn says she's gonna marry Louis Tomlinson at a church and she's gonna have four girls Anna,Savannah,Cheyenne and Hailey. And than they got my wedding with Liam Payne planned out which is pretty awkward because I'm Dating Cameron(Secretly) and they said I'm gonna get married in Liam's Back yard and said I'm gonna have a Boy named Tyler and two Girls Abby and Perrie. Yeah as you can see they got a detailed weddings and future for us. anyways Alex didn't move in with us like dad said she would She moved in with Nash. It all began the night after the after Party At the RDMA's Alex and Nash started talking and Boom they started dating. Now everywhere they go they are always kissing,hugging,holding eachother hand and all that lovey dove stuff and it was cute at first now it's starting to get Nasty and annoying because they do it right in front of us. Whenever they do that I'll either Text Cam or one of the 5sos boys or if One of the girls are home I'll go over there since dad won't let me go to cams or any of the others boys house.

Anyways it was Saturday and I was upstairs in my room chilling to my Justin Bieber Music and Texting Luke and Justin. The Boys and Alex where downstairs I don't like going down there anymore because Alex and Nash its just disturbing. Anyways I have been texting the 5sos guys and Justin Bieber ever since they gave me their number. Like any other normal girl I don't text first they do. Anyways the guy I text most is Luke he's actually really nice and outgoing and very funny. Over the last two weeks we have this special connection that no one can break I got snapped out of my thoughts whenever I heard someone come in my room I looked up and.........

Who came in Miranda's room and what do they want read more to find out!

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