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Samuel was never a man. 

Valerio's strong hands run up my back as I stand in the kitchen wearing only underwear and his t-shirt. I let out a breath and lean back into his strong build, his head hangs into the crook of my neck and he places a kiss there. 

"Here's your coffee, Sab," Shaw says as he slides the cup of coffee he just made me across the table. The entire kitchen now smells like it, mixed with Valerio's cologne since I lean against him. Shaw made it exactly how I like it, and the steam radiates off it. 

I continue leaning into Valerio with my messy morning hair. His large hands run up the side of my body while he kisses my cheek, and I bite my bottom lip while Shaw walks over to me. His hand cups my face before he kisses me, and Valerio never takes his lips off my neck or cheek during this. 

"And here's your toast with peanut butter," Aresius speaks up, followed by the sound of a plate getting set down. 

I pull my lips away from Shaw's and bite my lower lip while I look at all three of them. 

These three were men. They were everything Samuel wasn't.

"Thank you, boys," I thank them all at once. I step away from the warmth of Valerio and Shaw and begin eating and drinking the coffee.

The other night, Shaw had gone out the front after killing the man. Unfortunately, killing him then took away our ability to ask questions. Specifically, who the fuck put the bounty. 

Valerio insisted I move back in since now we don't know who it is. I made it very clear that is not an indication that I've forgiven him for lying - because I haven't.

But if there's one thing that being stuck to a chair while you're surrounded by fire has taught me, it's that life can end at any moment. And I don't want to limit the already limited time I have with the people around me. 

"Surely somebody has to know something," Aresius speaks up while I eat. "I mean, if that random guy with that awful hair knows who it is, then there have got to be others that do, too."

"And what do you suppose I do about that, Aresius?" Valerio crosses his arms and asks. "Send out some pink flyers, asking somebody to please tell me? It's not like everybody in New York hates me and just pretends they don't until I die, or anything."

Aresius leans forward on his elbows against the kitchen island and says, "Okay well first of all I'd appreciate it if you dropped the sarcasm. Second of all....well....I don't fucking know. But what I do know, is that getting out there and at least trying has a better success rate than sitting in here."

Shaw and I exchange 'oh shit' looks, waiting to see how Valerio reacts. I bite my toast awkwardly. 

"Okay then. If you think it seems so easy, then you come with me," Valerio suggests. 

Aresius' eyebrows lower. He asks, "Really?"

"Yes. If you think you can handle going to the houses of the most notorious men in the mafia and questioning them about this, then by all means, please do join me," Valerio speaks as if he were mocking him, and already knew that he would say no.

But instead, Aresius pushes himself up to his full height. He smiles and nods, "Alright, let's go. You wouldn't wanna change into matching outfits or anything? I think we'd both look good in red."

Valerio gives him a death glare.

"Alright, no matching outfits it is," Aresius nods. 

"Shaw, stay here with Sabrina," Valerio says, ignoring Aresius. "We'll be back later. Or, at least one of us will be."

𝐈𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now