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To fall in love for the first time, it usually consumes you. It's usually the strongest love you'll ever feel in your life.

Yes, I love her. I think I fell in love with her the first time I ever saw her. I fell in love with her brown eyes the moment they looked at me.

Her eyes. I smile at the thought of them. I manage to smile even though my father's fist is hitting my face over and over again.

He stormed in here - I don't even know how he found out where I live. I was asleep in the dead of night when he grabbed me and pulled me to the floor. He got on top of me and started hitting me, over and over again, I taste the blood in my mouth and I feel the blood dripping down my nose.

"A disappointment, Aresius, that's what you are," he spits between punches. My head jerks to the side with every hit. "You're choosing this girl over your real family."

I groan at one of the hits. I don't hit him back. I take it. 

"This bitch ruined you," he grits out.

I've taken a lot from him. Both physical and mental abuse. But I've never hit him back, I've never put a hand on him, but when I hear what he calls Sabrina, something switches inside of me.

I grab him by his jaw and roll him over, switching our positions. I'm both stronger and taller than him. He tries to get out of my grip, but can't. I begin hitting him. Punching him. And while I do so, I spit, "Don't fucking call her that."

Disrespect toward Sabrina should be a crime. Punishable by death. 

This girl consumes me. She's all I ever think about. She's the only thing on my mind when I read poetry or play my guitar.

It's like I black out while I hit him. Over and over again. My shoulder becomes sore from the repeated movement. I'm blinded by the insult against her that I don't think about what I'm doing while I beat him to near unconsciousness.

Once he lets out a groan with shut eyes, I stop. I raise my fist, but I don't hit him again. I breathe heavily as I look down at him. He's in so much pain that his face twists in it. He lies on the floor, beneath me, with his eyes shut. 

"I chose this girl because she is my family," I state with confidence. I don't even know if he can take in my words with how much pain he's in, continuing to groan. "So get the fuck out of here."

I push myself to my feet and stand. He grabs his jaw in pain, maybe I broke it, but I don't care. He scrambles to his feet, and I watch him as he quickly exits my room, slamming the door shut behind him like a child.

Once I hear the front door shut, I walk into my bathroom and flick the light on. My eyes wince. Both from the light and what I looked like.

Blood covered my face. It was both his and mine. My black hair was a mess.

I turn the sink on and bring my face toward it. I lather my hands in soap and begin to clean my face. The soap mixes with the blood and the red liquid runs down the drain. Once it's off, I stand back up and dry my face. I run my fingers through my hair.

And I decided that even though it was three in the morning, I needed to see Sabrina.

I put a T-shirt on and walk out of my house. Although the blood is gone, I know my lip is still busted and I have a few bruises. But I don't think she'll be able to see that in the dark.

𝐈𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now