Lunch time at school

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Evey: So, how do you guys like your classes so far?

Liz & Jake (in unison): Ehh.

Jake: It's not fun anymore like it used to be.

Evey: You mean when all of us had the same classes together from first grade all the way up, until, the eleventh grade?

Jake: Yeah, I mean, we would pass notes to each other, and joke around. Now, we've gotta find a way to entertain ourselves.

Evey: We have classes together, you guys.

Liz: Oh, yeah, right after lunch which is close to the end of the day. Have you guys seen the new kid in school?

Jake & Evey (in unison): No, have you?

Liz: No, but there's a rumor goin' around that we have a new kid that's in the same grade as us.

Evey: Okay, well, maybe, we'll get to see him in our next class.

Liz: I heard he's a hottie from Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.

Evey: Just like Luis our babysitter.

Jake: And best friend. Don't forget that.

Evey (taking a bite of her fruit salad): All I'm sayin' is that you guys focus too much on how hot someone is that you don't pay attention in class to keep your grades up. You're not the only ones I have to tutor.

Liz: You won't have to tutor us this year, we promise.

Evey: Okay, we'll see. Remember, school comes first, and then, extracurricular activities, got it?

Liz & Jake (in unison): Got it.

Jake (looking through Evey's brochure): What's this?

Liz peered over his shoulder to look at it with him.

Liz: You're lookin' at our extracurricular activities? What made you change your mind?

Jake put it back on Evey's tray.

Evey: I didn't change my mind. Mr. Crawford told me that the teachers had a meetin' about me and wanted me to be open-minded about doin' some extracurricular activities this year. Don't worry, he didn't pressure me into doin' it. 

Jake: So, what did you tell him?

Evey: I told him that I would think about it.

Liz: Time is of the essence. Try out for Theatre or Cheerleading. You'll love it.

Evey: I said I'll think about it, and I'll let you guys know, first. After school, I'm gonna head over to Bianco's Bistro, and see if I can get my job back.

Liz: You're just not gonna give that up, are you?

Evey: Nope, I need money, so, I can do whatever I want with it. I can go shoppin', go out to eat, get myself a car, buy myself a house, you know, material things, and of course, my education. I wanna be an independent woman not someone that everybody looks at as the rich bitch who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Jake: Is that what you think everybody thinks of you?

Evey: Partially, yes.

Jake: Well, you're partially wrong. Everybody here thinks you're an Einsteinette who has a higher IQ than the president himself.

Liz: Yeah, and on top of that, you're in the Top 5 to become valedictorian of our class.

Evey: That's because I study a lot. Okay, there's a carnival goin' on, tonight. We should go to it.

Jake: We as in all three of us, right?

Evey: Yes, Jake, all three of us are goin' on. We'll eat junk food, play games, get on the rides, and have a lotta fun.

Liz: Now, you're speakin' our language. So, what time do you wanna go?

Evey: Let's be there by 8. Do you think they'll let your band, The Night Riders, perform?

Liz: No, and plus, we're still a little rusty. We took a short stint during the summer, and then, started back rehearsin' close to the end of July.

Evey: I really wanted to hear you guys play in front of a live crowd.

Liz: You will, soon.

They started talking about the pranks they played on each other growing up and other memories before Evey's dad died.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now