The new kid in school

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Evey was sitting down at a table for her 6th period class, Marine Biology, alongside Liz and Jake. The class was getting ready to start, until, a Puerto Rican guy with curly, jet-black hair walked in, and everybody was seated.

Mrs. Ramsey: Everybody, we have a new student in our grade, and of course, in our class. I would like you all to give him a warm welcome. This is Benito Martinez-Ocasio. You can join Jacob, Elizabeth, and Evelyn over there at their table.

He walked towards them and sat down beside Jake. They introduced themselves and Liz stared at Benito dreamily. Evey elbowed Liz in her side to snap her out of it and Liz fixed her face nervously.

Mrs. Ramsey: Okay, now, today, we're just gonna watch a little movie about Prey vs. Hunter. I want you to take notes on it and give me your notes at the end of the class.

She turned the lights out, and played the movie after everybody took out their binders for sheets of paper, and pencils.

At 1:45p.m., the bell rang for their next class and Evey stopped by her locker before going to her Foreign Language class. Benito walked towards her and stopped.

Benito: Evelyn, right?

Evey looked at him and closed her locker.

Evey: Yeah, but my friends call me Evey. It's nice to meet you.

They shook each other's hands with a smile and a crowd of girls started coming towards Benito.

Benito: Pleasure's all mine.

He kissed her hand and they heard the girls' thunderous footsteps. They looked at the girls and Benito grabbed Evey's hand. They started running.

Benito: What class do you have? 

Evey: Foreign Language.

Benito: Me, too.

Evey: It's this way. 

They made a right turn around the corner and Evey opened the door. They ran into the classroom and closed the door in the nick of time for the bell to ring again signaling that class was starting. They found a seat to sit in and sat down. 

Mr. Montana: Hello, I'm Mr. Montana, and today, we're gonna learn to speak Italian here in Foreign Language class.

Veronica Compere: Why? I mean, why do we need to learn different languages, in general? We have translators for that.

Mr. Montana: Evelyn, would you like to answer her question or shall I?

Everybody looked at Evey and she pursed her lips tightly.

Evey (speaking in Italian): Penso che dovresti rispondere alla sua domanda. (I think you should answer her question).

Everybody looked at her in shock and Mr. Montana smiled in relief.

Mr. Montana: No, I think you should be the one to answer Ms. Compere's question. Maybe, it'll help her understand the reasoning behind my class. I'll let you take the reins on this one.

Evey: Tradurre quello che dico, por favore. (Translate what I say, please).

Mr. Montana: Okay, start.

Evey: È possibile ottenere posti di lavoro solo perché si conosce più di una lingua, come associato di servizio clienti bilingue, rappresentante di call center bilingue, guida turistica, insegnante di lingua straniera, analista di intelligence, paralegale di immigrazione, agente di viaggio, tutor, traduttore, copywriter, interprete medico, analista di investimenti, direttore di persone e cultura, ufficiale di dogana, infermiere di viaggio, e molto altro ancora. 

Veronica: What did she just say?

Mr. Montana: She said that you can get jobs just because you know more than one language such as Bilingual customer service associate, Bilingual call center representative, Tour guide, Foreign language teacher, Intelligence analyst, Immigration paralegal, Travel agent, Tutor, Translator, Copywriter, Medical interpreter, Investment analyst, Director of people and culture, Customs officer, Travel nurse, and more. Anymore questions? Good, let's get started.

He passed out worksheets to the students and they opened their Foreign Language Studies book to find the answers.

Benito: You must study a lot. 

Evey: I do. When I find somethin' that's interestin' like learnin' new languages, I can't help, but study it, and I don't even stop there. I study the language's culture, too. Its rich history.

Benito: So, if you know Italian, then, you must know Spanish, right?

Evey: Si, it was the first language that I learned. My parents taught me at a much younger age. We have Hispanic heritage in our ancestry, and other cultures, too. So, what about you?

Benito: Oh, I'm still tryna get the hang of speakin' English, and I'm from Puerto Rico.

Evey: You're the second person that I know who's from Puerto Rico.

Benito: Ex-boyfriend?

Evey: No, he was me, Jake, and Liz's babysitter, and my ex-best friend. He up and disappeared when my father died and that was four years ago.

Benito: Maybe, he had a reason to do what he did. I mean, he probably didn't get the chance to tell you because of what you had goin' on.

Evey: It doesn't matter. He's dead to me, oh, and by the way, I've never had a boyfriend. 

Benito: You're kiddin' me.

Evey: No, I'm a nerd at heart. I love books more than guys.

Benito: You're the first girl I've ever met that has said somethin' like that. What about being kissed?

Evey: Nope, I've never swapped saliva with anyone, and I'm not interested in it, either.

Benito: Well, do you have any plans after school?

Evey: My friends and I are hangin' out at my Godparents' cafe, Bianco's Cafe, if you want, you can come. I'm pretty sure they won't mind.

Benito: Sure.

Evey: Okay, um, let's get back to learnin' Italian.

Benito: So, how do you say, "I want to take you out sometime", in Italian.

Evey: Voglio portarti fuori qualche volta.

Benito stumbled over the words while he was pronouncing them and Evey helped him say each word right one at a time before combining them into a sentence.

At 3:15p.m., school had let out, and Evey and Benito caught up with Liz and Jake. They walked towards Jake's car while talking.

Jake: Benito, you're comin' with us to the carnival, tonight, right?

Benito: Um, I didn't know that there was one goin' on, tonight.

Liz: Yes, we always have one at the beginnin' of the school year. It'll be fun, and plus, we're headed over to Bianco's Cafe, right now, before gettin' ready for it.

Jake: You can hang out with us, man, and we'll show you around our city.

Benito: Okay, I'm just highly cautious of who I hang around with.

Jake: Don't worry. We're not the troublemakers. Follow us to the cafe.

Benito: You got it.

They got in their cars and left the campus.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now