Carnival time

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At 8:30p.m., Evey, Benito, Liz, and Jake were riding on rides, and playing games. They made it to the basketball game booth, and Luis walked towards them with a blonde-headed woman with pale, white skin, blue eyes, and a petite figure. 

Benito: Let me win you somethin' for once.

Evey: Okay, but I'm just playin' for the fun of it. 

Luis greeted them and Evey ignored him. The others responded back to him and Benito threw his basketball into the hoop.

Liz: So, who's your girl?

Luis: Oh, this is Nita, and Nita, this is Liz, Jake, Evey, and Benito. I knew these four while they were in diapers.

Nita (smiling): It's nice to meet all of you. Evey, my condolences to your family. I'm so sorry for what happened to your father. How are you holdin' up?

Everybody looked at Evey and Evey folded her arms.

Evey: I have to pee.

She walked towards a port-a-potty and used the toilet. She cleaned herself up and used sanitizer to clean her hands. Her friends, Luis, and Nita were waiting for her and she looked at them. Liz pulled Evey away from them and they got five feet away.

Liz: Evey, just say the word, and we'll leave Luis, and his date behind.

Evey: Liz, it's okay. I'm just gonna keep ignorin' him, until, I'm ready to talk to him. Look, we're supposed to be havin' fun, tonight. We're gonna have a sleepover at my place just like we always do after we leave from here, but right now, there's a lotta guys that you could be mackin' on around here. Now, let's get on some rides, play some games, and stuff our faces, until, we fuckin' puke.

Liz: Let's do it.

They did their secret handshake and walked towards the others.  

Evey: Jake, Benito, we're headed to the carousel, you guys comin' or what?

They followed the girls to the carousel with Luis and Nita tailing behind them. All of them got on and Benito got beside Evey while she got on the horse.

Evey: Hey, um, why don't you get beside Liz? I mean, you don't know anything about her, and she doesn't know anything about you. This could be the perfect time for you two to get to know each other.

Benito: I'd rather get to know you better.

Evey: Please? She's smart, beautiful, cool, laidback, and has an awesome personality. Trust me, not only will you like her, but you'll love her, too, and can't get enough of her.

Benito: Okay, but I'm still gonna be hangin' around you all the time.

He kissed her cheek and walked away. He got beside Liz and Jake got beside Evey. The carousel started moving and Jake took out his phone to take a selfie with Evey.

Evey: What're you doin'?

Jake: Takin' a selfie with you, smile.

Evey stuck her tongue out and Jake made a crazy face while making bunny ears behind Evey's head.

Jake: So, are you ever gonna talk to Luis.

Evey: No, at least, not now. He's back, Jake, like the bubonic plague. I'm not ready to face him. 

Jake: There's somethin' that he wants to tell you. Hear the guy out.

Evey: Whenever I have a heart again, I will.

Jake: Evey--.

Evey: Jake, let's just have fun while we're here, and not pay attention to Luis.

Jake: Okay, I'm just glad you're not depressed anymore.

Evey: Me, too.

The carousel stopped moving five minutes later and they got off. They got on the rollercoaster rides and Luis' date vomited after getting off of The Incredible Hulk. Luis patted Nita's back and the others walked away. A couple of hours later, the carnival was beginning to shut down, and everybody was leaving. 

Liz: So, we'll see you guys, tomorrow, at Bianco's?

Benito: Yeah, we'll be there or we can spend the night with you guys.

Evey: Not this time, maybe, next time. See you guys later. 

Evey and Liz left and went to Evey's house.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now