Evey makes a decision about her extracurricular activities

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Monday, August 7th, 2023 at 8:30pm, Evey walked towards David Cervantez's office and knocked on the door.

David: Come in. 

Evey let out an exhale and went inside the Clubs & Activities Director's Office. 

Evey: I hope I'm not interruptin' you, Mr. Cervantez.

David: Oh, no, take a seat, Evey. I heard that Mr. Crawford talked to you about doin' some extracurricular activities and joinin' some clubs. 

She sat down across from him.

Evey: Yes, sir, I went over with it with some of my friends, and it was kinda hard for me to pick what I wanted to do, so, you can take a look.

She slid the pamphlet across the desk towards him and he looked at it. He picked it up and looked through it. His eyes almost bulged out of his head and he put the pamphlet down.

Evey: Is there somethin' wrong?

David: Um, Evey, this is a lot of things for one person to cram in before graduation. All in all you've checked off over 60 things and that includes in the Sports' Section.

Evey: Well, I wanted to make up for lost time, since, my father and I got into that horrific car accident. I can do it, Mr. Cervantez. I can handle all of the responsibility.

David: I can't let you do it, Evey. This right here is unhealthy for anybody. It's impossible for anyone to be in 60 places at once. 

Evey: I'll admit that I went overboard for pickin' so many things, so, I'm willin' to be fair. I'll pick Travel Club, Triathlon Club, Outdoor Club, Volleyball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Drama Club, Swimming, and Cooking Club.

David (firmly): Seems fair, but if I find out that you passed out during one of the athletics or clubs that you've picked to be on, I'm knockin' it down to one, understood?

Evey (cheesing from ear to ear): Understood, I won't let you down, Mr. Cervantez.

David: I'll be keepin' an eye on you.

Evey: No need to. I'll be fine. Thank you so much.

David: You're welcome.

Evey: I can't wait to tell my friends about this over lunch.

She got up and walked out of his office. He alerted the teachers and coaches over the extracurricular activities and sports that Evey picked out about Evey over the phone and to keep watch over her. Evey went to her Physics class.

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