Locked in an empty classroom with Benito

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The bell rang for the students to go to their next class at 10:30a.m. and Evey walked towards her locker. Jake and Liz got beside her.

Liz: So, what did you wanna tell us?

Evey: I wanted to tell you guys at lunch. All three of you. I can't tell Luis or he'll go into Overprotective Big Brother Mode.

Jake: Well, the suspense is killin' us, and just so you know, we've joined some clubs, and sports, too.

Evey: Oh, really? Well, don't tell me, until, lunch. Speakin' of the number three, where's Benito?

Liz: I don't know. He was just with us a couple of minutes ago.

Jake: He probably got held up by the ladies.

Evey: Like you would know. Remember how Liz had to spray that one girl who was rippin' your shirt with bear spray. She thought it was her mace, instead.

Liz: I think someone's jealous because he's not in the spotlight anymore.

Jake: Hey, I am not jealous. I'll let you know that I get honeys every day of the week.

Evey: Okay, well, Mac Daddy, I've gotta get to class. I'll see you guys at lunch.

She walked off and all three of them headed to their next class. On the way to her Health 101 class, Benito pulled Evey into an empty classroom and closed the door. He covered her mouth up before she could scream and put his index finger over his mouth. She nodded her head to let him know she understood and removed his hand from her mouth. They heard girls screaming looking for Benito.

Evey: So, this is where you've been?

Benito: Yeah, is it that obvious?

Evey: Yeah, maybe, you should talk to the principal about this. He'll find a way to make all of this stop.

Benito: It's not that easy, Evey.

Evey: Well, we can't stay here. We've gotta head to class, now.

The custodian locked the door and she ran to it. She tried to open it and it was locked. She started banging on the door and Earl had his black Bluetooth headphones on.

Evey: Earl, Earl, open the door, unlock the door! Earl, please, we can't afford to miss class! Earl, please, hear me, let us out!

Benito: We're locked in here?

Evey: Uh, yeah, Earl locked us in here thinkin' that nobody was in here.

Benito banged the right side of his body against the door three times and it didn't budge.

Benito: Okay, I'm outta ammo. What's next?

Evey: Your belt, take it off.

Benito: Whoa, whoa, I didn't know you freaky like that Evey. We in school.

Evey: No, genius, I meant give me your belt, so, I can use the skinny part to unlock the door, and get us the hell outta here before we be late to class. I wouldn't have sex in a classroom even if my life depended on it.

He took off his belt and Evey used it to unlock the door. He put his belt back on and they made it to their class. 

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now