Luis takes Evey/Evey speaks the truth in her drunken state to Luis

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Evey and Liz were watching The Lost Boys while eating caramel popcorn, pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut, and drinking sodas. 

Liz: I think Luis has a crush on you, and so does Jake.

Evey: Oh, please, if they have a crush on anybody it's you not me. The nerdy girl never gets any action.

Liz: That's not true, Evey. Remember Lisa Moretz?

Evey: You mean the girl with the big ol' glasses who always wear her hair in messy ponytails and had freckles?

Liz: Yeah, that's the one.

Evey: She was a nerd all the way up, until, her graduation. What about her, though?

Liz: Well, she's datin' an NFL Superstar, now. So, if it can happen to her, then, it can happen to you, too.

Evey: I doubt it.

At 1:30a.m., the girls had fell asleep, and Evey woke up. She walked towards the wine cellar and looked at a picture of her father and mother holding baby Evey. She opened a cabinet and took out a bottle of Angry Orchard's Hard Apple Cider behind two wine bottles. She opened it and drank the whole entire bottle. She grabbed another bottle of it and walked out of the house locking the door behind her. She walked towards Big Apple's Cemetary and towards her father's grave. Luis saw her while he was driving and stopped. 

He watched her go into the cemetary and parked on the side of the road. Evey stood in front of her father's grave and it said: HERE LIES XAVIER MORALES 1966-2019 BELOVED FATHER, HUSBAND, SON, UNCLE, FRIEND, & FUTURE GRANDFATHER. Evey drank the rest of her hard liquor and let out a burp. She started crying and fell to her knees.

Evey: It should've been me, daddy, not you! It should've been fuckin' me! You shouldn't have been the one to leave! I should've died! I should've been left behind! I should've been the one that should've been saved last not you! You didn't deserve it. Wake up, wake up, wake the fuck up! I still need you, daddy! I've always needed you. I'd do anything to trade places with you.

Luis stood behind her.

Luis: Would you? Would you trade places with him, so, he would be doin' what you're doin', right now? Puttin' on a brave face for everyone around you and probably drinkin' yourself to death behind closed doors?

Evey stood up and turned around to look at him.

Evey: Oh, I would trade places with him in a heartbeat. Hey, dad, look who has decided to come see you after four years. It's the Bronx bastard from Puerto Rico. He never came to your funeral, but he waits when you're buried seven feet under to see you, and to send his condolences to you.

Luis: Evey--.

Evey: Shut up! You don't belong here anymore. Every time I hear your name, it makes me sick to my stomach, and every time I look at you, it just makes me wanna kill myself even more after diggin' my own grave. I hate you and I wish you would die! I want you to go to hell, Luis, now! But you can't do that, can you? No, you can't, so, until, why don't you hop into your fancy car, go live your dream lifestyle, and hightail it back on the road to do your wrestlin' job because you are nothin' to me, but a waste of space. Leave me alone. I don't ever wanna see your face or hear your name ever again.

Tears rolled down Luis's cheeks as he looked at Evey with a worried look and thunder cracked against the night sky. 

Luis: I'm sorry that you feel this way, Evey. I--.

Evey: Oh, do you, now? We should never cross paths again. Go back to where you came from. Stay out of my life and stay away permanently this time. I don't want you here. Your name will never touch my lips nor be in my heart anymore.

She turned to face Xavier's grave and touched his tombstone. She laid down in front of his tombstone and held his picture tightly against her. Luis looked at her in pain and walked away. He walked out of the cemetary and sat down in his car. He banged his hands against the steering wheel numerous times in anger and laid his forehead against it while he was crying. He had flashbacks of Xavier's death.


Luis ran towards Xavier's smashed up car and Xavier was trying to get his seatbelt off. Luis noticed that 13-year-old Evey wasn't in the car with him anymore.

Luis: We've gotta get you outta here before this thing explodes.

Xavier: Luis, I ain't gonna make it. You've gotta save Evey.

Luis: Evey will kill me if she finds out that I didn't save you, first. 

Xavier: Luis, Luis, there's no time. I'm pinned down. I won't be able to get out of here. Save Evey and promise me somethin'.

Luis cut Xavier's seatbelt and tried to move Xavier's leg that was pinned down between the steering wheel and dashboard. Xavier screamed in pain while he was bleeding everywhere.

Luis: Damn it! I'm gonna get you outta here, X, just hang on. You can make me promise somethin' later.

Xavier: No, Luis, save Evey, but don't worry about me. Promise me that you'll protect and love my little girl. Promise me that you'll make sure no harm comes to her and promise me that you'll remind her every day for the rest of her life that I'll always be with her no matter what. Promise me that you'll tell her that I love her so much that would die for her over and over again if I could. Promise me that you'll do the same thing for her. I'll be at peace if you do.

Luis: I promise you, Xavier. The police are on the way. We've gotta get you and Evey outta here.

Xavier: You're good man, Luis Martinez, you're a good man. Your parents are lucky to have a son like you. Save Evey, go, I'll be here when you get back. Save Evey, now.

He started coughing up blood.

Luis: Shit, I'll be back, I promise.

He ran towards the water and dived into the lake. He started swimming around, until, he found Evey's lifeless body. He swam towards Evey and grabbed her. He swam to the surface and laid Evey on the ground gently. 

Luis (doing chest compressions & putting air into Evey): Come on, Evey, live for me, you've gotta live forever. Come on, Evey, don't you die on me.

Half of the car exploded while Luis was doing CPR on Evey and she had the same lacerations on her body as Xavier. Evey looked over at the paramedics putting Xavier's body in a body bag and it dawned on her. She was gasping for air and trying to call out for Xavier. She didn't notice Luis.

The flashback ended and Luis looked at his digital clock in his car. It said: 3:40a.m. in red on Saturday, August 5th, 2023 and he got out of his car after wiping his tears with his hands. He went back into the cemetary and walked towards the sleeping Evey. He picked her up and took her to his home. He cleaned her up and put the clean clothes on her clean body. He watched her sleep in his bed.

Luis: I can't leave you alone, Evey, because your father wouldn't want me to. You're tuggin' at my heart and you don't even know it. As crazy as it sounds, I love you more than just a friend. I'll give you your space.

He kissed her forehead and went into the other bedroom to go to sleep.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now