Making Luis breakfast

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Sunday, August 6th, 2023 at 11:11a.m., Luis woke up to the smell of French toast sticks, hashbrowns, pancakes, cheesy scrambled eggs, and omelets with cheese for breakfast. Luis did his morning routine and he went downstairs. The whole entire house was clean with no broken glass or blood in sight. He went into the kitchen and noticed Evey wearing a cooking apron. He sat down at the bar on a bar stool and she turned the pans and skillet to simmer.

Luis: Good mornin'.

She turned around and half-smiled at him.

Evey: Good mornin', did you sleep well?

She started fixing his plate.

Luis: Actually, yes, I did. I felt more at peace than ever.

Evey: That's great. I'm gonna be a lot busy this year.

She served him his plate and poured him a glass of orange juice.

Luis: What do you mean?

Evey: Jake needs help with his grades this year, and on top of that, Liz is gonna be havin' band rehearsals, so, I'm gonna make it to every single one of'em even if it kills me.

Luis: I overheard Liz talkin' about you doin' some extracurriculars activities. 

Evey: I told her that I would look into it because the teachers at our school wants me to join some clubs and sports.

Luis: But you don't.

Evey: I suck at sports. I'm a nerd at heart. 

Luis: You're not eatin' any breakfast?

Evey: No, I'm still a little tired.

Luis: Thank you for cleanin' up my house. I was gonna do it when I got up. How long have you been up?

Evey: Ever since, 3:30 this mornin'. I can't sleep in a messy house.

Luis: You should eat, Evey.

Evey: I will. I'm just not gonna eat, right now.

Luis: At least, eat a little somethin', please?

She grabbed a plate and put an omelet and some hashbrowns on her plate. She sat across from him and ate her food in complete silence. She had a flashback of eating breakfast with Xavier and started crying. She wiped her tears away and kept eating.

Luis: Evey?

Evey: I'm fine. I think I put too much onions in the omelet.

Luis got up and held onto her.

Luis: It's okay. You're gonna be okay.

Evey (crying): I still can't believe he's gone. This is my first time sittin' down eatin' breakfast with anyone and I had a memory of me eatin' breakfast with him. I didn't make it. I had burnt breakfast last time, so, I let him do it this time. I'm sorry.

Luis: No, it's okay.

Evey: Luis--.

She started kissing him and he realized what was happening. He stopped her and she gave him a French kiss. He put his hands on her cheeks and she put her hands on his hips.

Luis: No, Evey, no.

Evey: I'm still not old enough for you?

Luis: No, it's not that. I don't take advantage of vulnerable women. Maybe, one day we can kiss or make out, but just not, today.

Evey: Okay, I won't do that ever again without your permission.

He kissed her forehead and they held onto each other before finishing their breakfast.

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