Talking about his time traveling the world

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Around 8:40p.m., all of them were sitting around the large dinner table eating and drinking while laughing at each other's jokes.

Evey: Let's talk about Luis's travels. We wanna hear from your point of view what it's like to travel all over the world.

Luis: It's fun, especially, when you're on vacation.

Liz: So, what's it like signin' autographs and takin' pictures with your fans?

Luis: I love it because I get to meet new people that way. It's when I'm tired or tryna hang out with my friends or family, I don't wanna be bothered. If I'm just walkin' down the street or shoppin' or being at an event, I don't mind takin' pics or signin' autographs. I wanna be able to relax, too, but I try to give'em an experience that they'll never forget. 

Liz: I can't wait for that to happen to me.

Benito: Be careful what you wish for, Liz. Fame isn't all what it's cracked up to be. 

Jake: What's your favorite place to travel to?

Luis: I can't really say at the moment.

Evey: Did you get lonely, at times?

Luis (flirtatiously): Yeah, I did, and I still do, but now, that I'm here, I don't feel lonely anymore.

Evey: I'll go get dessert.

She got up from her seat and Luis and Benito followed suit.

Benito: Excuse us.

Evey was putting the Cranberry Ice on a platter while making the Patriotic Banana Split. She put a big ball of seedless watermelon in between the two banana wedges and Luis and Benito got beside her.

Luis: You need some help?

Evey: No, I'm almost done. I just need to finish up on the banana splits.

Benito: No, biggie, we can help. Just tell us what to do.

Evey: Okay, put the banana wedges on the sides, a ball of seedless watermelon in between the banana wedges, drizzle some marshmallow creme on top of the watermelon ball, and scatter some granola on top along with the blueberries.

Luis: Got it.

They helped each other out and put the banana splits on another silver platter.

Evey: Wait, I think we're missin' somethin'.

All three (in unison): Whipped cream.

Evey: Chocolate or regular.

Luis: Let's do chocolate this time.

She went into the fridge and put chocolate whipped cream on top of the banana splits. They carried the platters out and set them in the middle of the table. All of them dug into the desserts.

Liz: Oh my God, this banana split is soooo good. 

Jake: It's the best banana split I've ever had.

Liz: Me, too.

Everybody was in agreement. 

Evey: I wanna have, at least, one of the desserts that I make represent the colors of the United States and Puerto Rico flag. The chocolate whipped cream is the dirt.

Benito: What sweet dirt it is.

Luis: New York is Puerto Rico.

Benito: Minus the rats.

Jake: Let's make a toast to our futures and for the United States bringing Puerto Rico into the fold.

Evey: Finally, we need more sexy accents over here in the USA.

Everybody (in unison): Cheers!

They clinked their glasses of soda against each other and laughed. 

An hour later, Evey was in the kitchen washing the dishes and Liz got beside her.

Liz: Can I help?

Evey: Sure, I'll wash and you'll rinse. 

Liz helped her rinse the dishes while she washed them.

Liz: Benito and Luis have a crush on you.

Evey (jokingly): Yeah, right, and I have three heads.

Liz (laughing): No, I'm serious, Evey. Did you see how they were lookin' at you all day, today? Oh, and let's not forget about the festival, and Benito kept stealin' stares at you in school.

Evey: Liz, Benito is your type not mine. You guys do the same thing but in different genres. If Benito wanted to get with me, he would've done something, by now, so, would Luis.

Liz: You're in denial.

She put the last dish up to dry and Evey unclogged the sink.

Evey: No, I'm just facing reality. Benito should date you not me.

Liz: Is it about you being a brainiac and an Einsteinette combined together? You can't help the fact that your IQ is higher than the President's.

Evey: No, it's not about me being smart. I'm the only one who hasn't lost my virginity, yet, but I can outdrink a leprechaun any day. I just feel, I don't know, awkward when it comes to dating and relationship. I mean, I can give anybody dating advice, but I can't seem to follow my own because I've never had any experience.

Liz: You read people, Evey, and that's okay. 

Evey: Easy for you to say. I'm startin' to feel hot, now.

She opened the freezer and took out a block of ice. She closed the freezer and rubbed the ice all over her neck while she was beginning to sweat.

Liz: It is startin' to get hot. We might be havin' a heat wave.

Evey: I thought that only happens in the summer. Stupid global warming.

Liz: Let's get you to bed.

Evey: No, I wanna go home. We have school, tomorrow, and I can't wait to get more information on the sports and clubs we have at our school. 

Liz: Okay.

All of them told Luis goodbye before leaving his house and hugging him.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now