Luis leaves New York/Everybody except Evey stops him

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It was 4:30p

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It was 4:30p.m. and Evey was at Bianco's serving the customers. Luis walked in with his black duffel bag and two suitcases. Jake, Liz, and Benito walked towards him and greeted him. They led him to their favorite sitting area of the bistro. 

Liz: Hey, Evey, come join us for a minute. Luis is here.

Evey: Sorry, Liz, but I'd rather serve coffee to hobos than hang out with scum like your friend over there with the bags.

She went into the kitchen and Eseret walked out of the kitchen.

Jake: What's with all the bags, Luis? Didn't you just get here?

Luis: I'm movin' back to Puerto Rico. I'll go back to the island and go back on the road to do my job.

Liz: What about Evey?

Luis: Evey told me how she felt this mornin'.

Eseret gave him a Budweiser and served the others sodas along with some burgers and fries. 

Eseret: What do you mean?

Luis: She hates me and she wishes that I would die. She doesn't want us to cross paths again and she was drinkin' Angry Orchard's Hard Apple Cider while she was talkin' to Xavier's grave. She brought back flashbacks about what Xavier said before he died and Evey's right. We shouldn't cross paths again. There's too much pain there. I'm not helpin' her situation. I'm just makin' it worse. Evey is puttin' on a facade for all of you. She's still hurtin' and she goes to her father's grave to vent. So, on that note, I'm gonna give Evey what she wants, and that's stayin' out of her life for good this time. Maybe, when she decides to move away from New York, I'll move back down here again.

Liz: And what about us, Luis? We don't want you to go. Evey will get over you being here. Let her hate you all she wants. She did it to us, and then, she got over it. Hell, she blames herself about her father's death, but she got over it. 

Evey walked towards them and stopped.

Evey: Hey, Liz, don't beg. It doesn't suit you.

Jake: Luis is movin' to Puerto Rico for good, Evey, say somethin'.

Evey: I don't care. I don't want him here. He is a waste of space and he can go to hell. I'm not gonna be like any of you beggin' him to stay. Let him go, and yes, when I graduate, I'll be movin' to Japan, and he can move right on back here to his hometown of New York. I've already sent out my college applications to every college in Japan that I felt I would be welcome at. 

Liz: But you had your heart set on goin' to college in Puerto Rico.

Evey: I've changed my mind. That's where he's from and I can't go there while he's there. So, go ahead, and say goodbye to the coward. You guys can go to Puerto Rico, and see him, but I won't.

She went back to the kitchen and Luis stopped her in her tracks by calling her name. She turned around to face him and he walked towards her. 

Eseret: Luis, don't--.

Luis: I promised your father somethin' on the day that he died, but since, you wanna be an ungrateful little bitch, I'm breakin' it. It'll be your fault he's rollin' around in his grave not restin' in peace because you wanna toss around the blame at everybody else but your damn self. So, hate me all you want, do yourself a favor, since, you wanna die so bad, get alcohol poisonin'. Drink yourself to death, so, you can join Xavier in the Land of the Dead. At least, he can see what his only child has become, a drunkard.

Evey slapped him quick-like and he looked at her.

Evey: I'll take your advice just like you're takin' mine. There's the door. Don't let it hit you on the way out.

Luis: So, you're really gonna do this, huh? You can't even say my name.

Evey: Goodbye, you can leave, now.

She went into the kitchen and started making the customers' orders. He watched her through the kitchen window and he left with his luggage. 

Eseret: Luis, Luis--.

The door closed behind him and he got in his car. He drove back to his house and went inside it. He started smashing everything in the house including his vases and dishes in anger. Christina pulled up to Luis's house and got out. She ran inside and saw him standing in the living room. She saw the catastrophe that he made in the house.

Christina: Luis--.

Luis(angrily): Go, get the hell outta here!

Christina: No, not until, you promise us that you'll stay.

He turned around and looked at her angrily. He walked towards her and stopped five feet away from her.

Luis: I'm not gonna tell you again, Christina Morales, get the hell outta here.

Christina: No, you're family, Luis Martinez, always have been, always will be.

He laughed dryly.

Luis: You sound exactly like your husband! Your daughter doesn't seem to think so! She's too busy gettin' drunk and committin' suicide at Xavier's grave to even give a damn about what I am to anybody anymore! The Evey that I know died on the same night her father died! I made a promise to Xavier and Evey is forcin' me to break that promise!

Christina: Evey is goin' through a rough time, now, that you're back, Luis! Yes, she hates you because you disappeared on us, four years ago, and you never showed up for Xavier's funeral! She'll get over it just like she did with everyone else! She hated me because I looked and acted like her father when I would tell her certain things, but now, I can finally have Evey look at me again, talk to me again, and smile at me again! You and Evey have a connection that cannot be broken no matter how much she hates you! That hate will turn into love, Luis, but don't let Evey push you away. We stayed by her side, until, she came around, and she will come around with you. You've just gotta give her time.

Luis: I was the one who was there when Xavier and Evey got in a car crash. The guy that crashed into them was a drunk driver and I knew him. The drunk driver was one of my ex-best friends and I called the police. Xavier had wanted me to promise him that I would love and protect Evey, to make sure no harm comes to her, and to let her know that he would always be there for her no matter what happens. I couldn't get him out of the car because his leg was pinned down really badly and I told him that I would come back for him. I saved Evey, but I couldn't save Xavier, and I knew that's what Evey wanted was for me to save her father. When the back part of the car exploded, I knew it was over, and I don't think Evey knew that I was the one that saved her. I showed up to the funeral but I was hidden. I couldn't bare to see the look on you guys' faces. It broke my heart that I lost a friend, but it broke my heart even more was that the family had to suffer, a woman without her husband, and a child without a father. He said he loved you so much, and if it wasn't for you, he never would've had an Einstein for a child. He said that all the time when he was alive and I noticed that about Evey. I miss the Evey who would smile, laugh, and joke with me. She makes me feel like I'm at home when she was like that, but now, it's like a home without my favorite room in it, the Weapon Room.

Christina: I'll talk to her, I promise, but you've gotta promise me that you're stayin' for Evey, and not just for the rest of us. I don't want you to break your promise with Xavier.

Luis: Okay, I promise, you can tell everybody the good news.

Christina: I'll call you to check up on you later.

Luis: Okay.

She left and he let out a sigh of relief.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now