Luis is back

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Evey, Liz, Jake, and Benito went into Bianco's Cafe and sat down in their usual spot which consisted of two, soft, plushy, blue and gold chairs, a matching sofa with pillows, and a table while Evey went into the kitchen. Evey changed into an apron and turned around. Her Godmother, Eseret Bianco, stood in front of her with her arms crossed.

Evey: Okay, hear me out--.

Eseret: Not hearin' it, Evelyn, out.

Evey: Oh, come on, Eseret. I really need the money. I wanna be an independent woman when I graduate.

Eseret: You can become an independent woman once you graduate, but until then, you're not workin', especially, not here.

Evey: What do you want me to do, beg? I'm beggin' you to let me work, please. I'll do double shifts.

Eseret grabbed Evey's shirt by the back of her neck and walked out of the kitchen towards Evey's friends with ease.

Liz: Evey!

Evey's feet were dangling 4 feet off the floor and her friends looked at them.

Evey: Liz, Jake, we got a big problem. This woman is stronger than I thought. She's got the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brock Lesnar combined.

Eseret: I specifically told your mother that you could work here during the summer, but not during school, Evelyn. You don't have fun and you weren't hangin' out with your friends like you were supposed to.

Evey: Okay, maybe, we can come to an agreement because, right now, I'm in a compromisin' position. Can you put me down, please? You know me, Mama Eseret, I would never defy you.

Eseret: True, all right.

She let Evey go and Evey sighed in relief while straightening her shirt. Xander Bianco, Eseret's husband, and Evey's Godfather walked towards them, and stopped. He greeted Evey and her friends before looking at Evey and Eseret.

Xander: Evey, you're not tryna work here while goin' to school, are you?

Evey: Yes, sir, look, I know exactly what you guys are gonna say, and I can multitask. I can go to school, go to work, have fun, do chores at home, and graduate. I mean, you guys do it minus the goin' to school thing. I did pretty darn good during the past three summers in a row, and now, I wanna expand. 

Eseret: You mean add more stress on your plate. You've got a college fund and a bank account that's bigger than most kids your age. I'm surprised you haven't turned into a shopaholic, by now. 

Evey: That's because I spend it on things that I need and I put a budget on myself.

Xander: And what's your budget?

Evey: $400. 

Everybody (in unison): $400?!

Jake: I go through more than $400.

Eseret: So, you expect us to believe that your budget is $400?

Evey: Yes, I don't shop at expensive malls and boutiques. I go to clearance stores and buy stuff on sale. When my well runs dry, then, what am I supposed to do? I'm gonna have to work. Why not work, right now, so, my well can overflow, and by the time, I'm 40 or 50, I can retire right away. I love workin' here. It shows my independence, instead of, showin' the stereotypical rich kid who has it all, and doesn't do anything except blow their riches on nonsensical things. Please, let me work here. I won't argue about my schedule.

Xander: Okay, here's the deal. You can work here, Evelyn, but the minute you show any signs of stress or lettin' your grades slip, you're fired.

Eseret: And if we feel like this is too much for you, you're fired, deal?

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now