Evey patches up Luis/Healing process with Luis

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At 9:30p.m., Evey was getting off from Bianco's by taking off her apron and her friends looked at her along with Xander and Eseret. Christina walked towards her and stopped.

Christina: Hey, I went by to see Luis, earlier, today. Evey, there's so much you need to tell him, and he has so much to tell you. At least, hear him out. He hasn't left, yet.

Evey: I was actually headed out to see him. I have this gut feelin' when he's gone and when he's still here. He's hurt and I wanna help him. 

Christina: Promise me you won't kill him and promise me you'll stop goin' to your father's grave drunk. I smelled whiskey on your dirty clothes. I just didn't say anything.

Evey: I promise, mom.

Eseret: What made you change your mind?

Evey: I had to do the healin' process with every single one of you except Benito because he wasn't down here when it happened. I can't let Luis be the only one out of the friendship circle, and plus, I don't think dad would want me to hate Luis for the rest of my life. Liz, can you take me to Luis's house, please?

Liz: Sure.

They left Bianco's and drove to Luis's house. Evey got out and went inside the house. It was dark and she turned on the lights in the living room. The house was a mess and Luis was propped against the back of the couch looking at his bloody hands. He looked up at Evey and she went into the kitchen to get the first-aid kit. Luis was sweating and he had minor cuts on his arms. She came back into the living room and got beside him stepping over broken glass to get to him. 

She opened the first-aid kit and wiped his arms and bloody hands with alcoholic gauze. She put antibiotic ointment on his arms below the elbows and on his hands. She wrapped his arms and hands up with waterproof white cotton gauze and secured it with waterproof Nexcare tape. She put the first-aid kit back up in the cabinet and took his luggage out of his car after locking the car. She went upstairs to his room and put his stuff back up in their respective places. She went back downstairs into the living room with a cool, damp cloth and dabbed all over his sweaty face with it.

Evey: This isn't gonna work with you in this position. Come on, let me help you to your room, Luis.

She wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they went upstairs to his room. She helped him out of his clothes and he took a shower. He put on some fresh clothes and she helped him into his bed. He laid down and she finished wiping the sweat off his face with the blue, damp cloth.

Luis: Why're you here?

Evey: It's apart of my healin' process. Pieces of me were taken when you disappeared and the other pieces were taken when my father died. Some of those pieces lies within my friends and my mom, too.

Luis: You hated those pieces, and then, you loved them back to life again.

Evey: Yeah, I was blamin' everyone includin' myself. Most of the blame I put on myself because I was there when he died.

Luis: It's not your fault, Evey. It was the drunk driver's fault.

Evey: In a way, I felt like it was.

Luis: I was there at your father's funeral. I just hid myself from you guys because I felt the pain. I felt all of you guys' pain and there was nothin' I could do about it.

Evey: Yes, there was. You could've stayed. You're family. You're not family by blood, but you're still family, Luis. My best friend disappeared, my closest friend disappeared after my father died, and then, I felt like I was nothin'.

Luis: You are somethin'. Don't you ever forget that.

Evey: You're hidin' somethin', and whatever it is, in due time, you'll tell me. I won't pressure you. I want you to stay, Luis. Don't leave again, until, you're really ready to.

Luis: Okay, that's what I was waitin' for you to tell me.

Evey: I forgive you for you disappearance.

Luis: I'll make up my disappearance for your forgiveness.

Evey: That's four years' worth of makin' up for it. You look dehydrated. I'll go get you some water.

She got up and walked towards his mini fridge. She opened it and took out a bottle of Fiji water. She closed the fridge and sat back down beside him. He sat up and drank the entire bottle of water.

Luis: Does everybody know where you are?

Evey: Yeah, I was headed here, anyways, before my mom could talk me into convincin' you to stay just like everyone else was doin'.

Luis: I'm sorry, Evey. I deserve the slap and the drink in the face. I wasn't thinkin' clearly about how my disappearance would affect anyone.

Evey: It felt like we lost another person as well. That's how all of us felt. My father's death hit everyone pretty hard and all of us healed together in our own time.

Luis: I promise I'll never leave you, Evey. Is it true that you sent your college applications off to the universities in Japan that you chose to go to?

Evey: Yeah, it's true. One of'em has a college with the name New York in it. I can't live here forever. I wanna explore and travel. See the world like you have. I don't see myself workin' at Bianco's forever. Did you have a mental breakdown here?

Luis: Yeah.

Evey: I'll start cleanin' up and you can watch some TV.

She got up and he grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving.

Luis: Hey, Evey, don't worry about the mess. Watch TV with me, please?

Evey: Okay.

He turned on the TV, and they watched Bruce Lee movies, until, they fell asleep.

EVEY SEASON 1 EP. 1Where stories live. Discover now