Chapter 1

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Astrid's POV

I stood next to my best friend, Marquis de Lafayette, As general Washington made his way up the line of new soldiers he needed to win over America. He stopped at me, and eyed me. He was suspicious, but as a woman I had to hide every female aspect. My jet black hair tied into a pony tail, and my breasts wrapped tightly in bandages, He looked me up and down. Before opening his mouth to speak. 

''Name?'' He asked, and I nodded, my hands slightly sweating. I felt people staring at me now, and anxiety filled me quickly. 

''Aristide Jacques sir, its a pleasure to fight for you'' I said, my French accent removing the female aspects in my voice. I smiled slightly as I bowed, thankful for my friend accent for once. Washington nodded, as we were set to our tents. Me and Lafayette were sharing one with three other boys. He smiled at me, and Bowed. 

''Bonjour Aristide Jacques'' He said, and stood normally. I laughed, and punched his shoulder as we waked across the field. We giggled and laughed about random things, but then we reached the tent. I took a deep breath in, and let it out, as Lafayette looked at me. I stamped on his boot and he held his foot in pain. I stood their smirking silently, letting him rub his foot in pain. 

He collected himself, and we went in, looking at the tent. five beds, a trunk at every one, a desk in the corner of the room, with ink pots and quills, and parchment. Me and laf took the beds at the end of the tent, just so if we were attacked, we would be able to hide and attack ourselves. We sorted out our belongings and looked to the makeshift door. Three men stood there, smiling at us. 

''Hello!'' One of them yelled, his black curly hair pulled into a pony tail, and freckles littered his entire face. I looked at Laf, and he nodded, coming out and greeting them. He put his hand out, smiling at the two, and I just stood there, sharpening my bayonette. they looked over to me, and i just stood there, glaring them down. The third man staring at me, even when I pulled out my bayonette. His jaw and nose similar to mine, as well as his lips. 

''Bonjour Mes amis! This is-.'' He said, but I cut him off as I stepped forward. They looked over to me once again. I placed my bayonette back into its casing, and walked over to them. Putting my hand out, looking at the two. Freckles put his hand in mine, and the guy with the dark skin his arm around my friend, it seemed that they all knew each other. 

''Aristide Jacques. Nice to meet you.'' I said, and smiled quickly, before standing next to Lafayette properly. Freckles nodded, and introduced the two. The dude with the black hair was talking to himself, he was kind of freakish. 

''John Laurens, and this is Hercules Mulligan.'' He said, and I nodded, and so did laf. We spoke for ages, until Hercules brough up the idea of going to the bar. We all agreed, and made our way to the bar. When we got there, we settled down at a table. John offered me a drink, but i shook my head, declining it. He shrugged, and they all stood up. I groaned, looking at the four idiots.

They began to drunkly sing, and I just sat there, until I went outside. I sat on the grass, looking at the sky, the stars decorating the sky. I stared up at them, smiling. I had done it. I had joined the revolution as a woman. I heard the boys singing, and footsteps coming towards me. I turned around and saw alexander. He came and sat next to me, looking up. 

''Hey.'' He said, and I looked at him. He seemed so nervous, and he wasn't drunk, just tipsy. I nodded as a greeting, and began to stand up, before he grabbed my hand. I looked down, as he stared at the scars on the backs of my hands, as they led up my fingers. 

''so your from France?'' He asked, and I sighed. I sat back down, feeling Comfortable with him, and I had no clue why. 

''Yes and no, My fathers from France, but my mother was from here. I've never met her though, and I moved here with my father, he disappeared at sea for 7 years, then came back. I picked up a French accent as i grew up there. France is my home, not here, and That's where I met laf'' I said, smiling at him slightly. He nodded, and glanced at me once more. I looked at him, and he nodded.

''My mother died when I was 12, my father left when I was eight. we were sick. I grew up in the Caribbean. Then a hurricane hit the town, and I was sent here, to make a name for myself'' He explained. I nodded, as it was probably a strong subject for him. We heard slurs and footsteps from behind us, and we turned around. Lafayette was stumbling around, barley being able to walk. 

''Astriddddddddd!'' He yelled, Wrapping his arms around me, and alexanders head immediately shot up. I pushed Lafayette away, but he pouted and looked down at me. I laughed at him as he looked between me and Alex. He looked at me, and i shook my head, knowing wat he was getting at. 

''Lets head home'' Herc yelled and i nodded, not being able to take any more of their drunk stupidities. We made our way back to camp, and i sorted everyone out, accept alexander, that kept quiet in his bed. We said our goodnights, and i stepped away from Lafayette's bed. But suddenly a noise threw me out of my happiness. John was sick, all over his bed. We laughed at the poor boy and I gave him my bed. 

He declined at first, but I wasn't going to just let him sleep in puke, or on the floor, so he eventually agreed. We all settled down, and i stepped outside, watching the sky. I didn't mind not really sleeping, and they all needed it more. I sat there all night, just watching the peaceful stars, until the sun came up. It was amazing, the sky different shades of blue, it was amazing. I almost fell asleep at one point, until Hercules came out, dressed and ready for the day. 

''Have you been out here all night?'' He asked, noticing my shivering and my chattering teeth, I shook my head, not even noticing myself. I stood up, and walked inside, to see the boys out of bed and chatting. I smiled at them, and rubbed my face as john left for the supply tent so he could change his blanket and sheets. I sat on my unmade bed, and as soon as Lafayette saw me, He scowled. 

''Avez-vous dormi? Comme tout aristide? ?*'' He asked, and i nodded, before he stared me down. He knew i was lying, and he walked over to my bed. He was about to speak, until gun shots and yelling ran through the air. My head snapped to the door, and got up as we inched closer to the noises. We opened the door and saw the sight in front of us. Blood, everywhere, bangs, everywhere. Blue and red, black and white scattered around. 

I heard laf gasp, as I ran back into the tent, grabbed my bayonette, as well as my musket and ran past him, shooting anyone I could. John was fighting off a redcoat and he grabbed his arm as I grabbed the other one. I stabbed him in the heart and looked at the freckled man.

''Lets go defend America.'' He said, before grabbing my hand and leading me off to where everyone else was. 


Words: 1350 

*Avez-vous dormi? Comme tout aristide? = Have you slept? like at all Aristide? 

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