Chapter 12

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Astrids POV


''Jefferson, Hamilton. lets go'' He grumbled as we followed him down. I sat on alexanders side, as the dark skinned man sat on jeffersons. I looked around the room, washington in the middle and four chairs surrounded him, leaving a space in the middle. some guy gave washington his microphone, Alexander his, and Mr. jefferson his. alex turned to me, a smile on his face. He'd done something. Uh oh.

Washington began to speak, but i drained it out, thinking about what alex was going to do. Laurens was thriving with peggy, lafayette in france and hercules was still in his apprentice, so it couldnt involve any of those? Or did him and washington plan something out? Oh i was so going to kill my brother, and my father figure f they were plotting something. A string of words knocked me out of my trance, aswell as my train of thought as the first cabinet meeting began.


Washington stood up, and stepped forward slowly, while speaking. I wasnt paying attention, but the words ''Secretary Jefferson, You have the floor sir.'' Shook me out of my trance once more. I fiddled with my hands as the crowd started yelling for him, but i couldn't help but feel repulsed. He owned a slave plantation, Hes from virginia, and he likes the French? Lafayette's the only Frenchman i can stand. I pressed my finger nails into my skin tightly, the small pain rushes through my body, causing it to start a fire of pain.

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we fought for these ideals; we shouldn't settle for less, These are wise words, enterprising men quote 'em. Don't act surprised, you guys, 'cause I wrote 'em'' He started, before his friend and him let out a ''Oww'' for affect.

''But Hamilton forgets, His plan would have the government assume state's debts. Now, place your bets as to who that benefits: The very seat of government where Hamilton sits?'' He asked the crowd around us, and alex perked up, filled with anger with a small ''Not true!''.

''Ooh, if the shoe fits, wear it. If New York's in debt— Why should Virginia bear it? Uh! Our debts are paid, I'm afraid. Don't tax the South 'cause we got it made in the shade. In Virginia, we plant seeds in the ground. We create. You just wanna move our money around, This financial plan is an outrageous demand, And it's too many damn pages for any man to understand! Stand with me in the land of the free, And pray to God we never see Hamilton's candidacy. Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky, Imagine what gon' happen when you try to tax our whisky''

Jefferson said, prancing around across the room. I looked at alex as he was seething, you could partially see the steam coming out of his ears. I felt my fingers indent something and i looked down, blood droplets slid down my hand. I bit my tonge, and wiped it with my other hand. It wasnt big cuts, so it'll be fine.

''Thank you, sectary Jefferson, Sectary Hamilton, you have the room. '' Washington said, as alex nodded. He looked at me, then looked back at the two men he was up against.

''Thomas. That was a real nice declaration ,Welcome to the present, we're running a real nation. Would you like to join us, or stay mellow, Doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello? If we assume the debts, the union gets, A new line of credit, a financial diuretic. how do you not get it? If we're aggressive and competitive. The union gets a boost. You'd rather give it a sedative?'' Alex started, and i stared at him, trying to get him not say anything stupid.

''Where my shoe fitsy, neighbor, Your debts are paid 'cause you don't pay for labor. "We plant seeds in the South. We create" Yeah, keep ranting, We know who's really doing the planting. And another thing, Mr. Age of Enlightenment, Don't lecture me about the war, you didn't fight in it You think I'm frightened of you, man?'' Alex kept going, and i sighed. He was going to say something stupid wasnt he?

''While you were off getting high with the French, Thomas Jefferson, always hesitant with the President, Reticent—there isn't a plan he doesn't jettison. Madison, you're mad as a hatter, son, take your medicine. Damn, you're in worse shape than the national debt is in, Sittin' there useless as two shits. Hey, turn around, bend over, I'll show you, Where my shoe fits'' He said, and the crowd went wild. Jefferson stormed up to alex, and they squared up to eachother.

''Excuse me! Madison, jefferson. Take a walk!'' Washington yelled, as i dragged my brother away. I grasped his hand, before pulling him out of the room. He was so utterly stupid. Why was Alexander god damn hamilton my brother?

''that was bang out of order. I get their annoying, but that was bang out of order. You didnt make fun of mother when she was sick did you!?'' I yelled, looking deep into his eyes. His eyes softened, as mine watered. Washington opened the door, looking at alexander. He nodded, let go of my hand and went in with him. I stood against the wall, sinking down still i was on the floor. I sat there, crying for what felt like forever. I walked up to my office, being reminded of everything that had happened prior to the cabinet meeting. I sat on my chair to my desk, and picked up a quill and ink. I dipped the quill into the black, liquidy substance and started to write.

My dearest mother,

I miss you, i miss you way too much, alexanders always getting himself into trouble, and he's also so bang out of order. I miss you too much. Its my nineteenth birthday in a couple of days, and i think alexanders forgotten. But its fine. He's so busy now. Theirs this guy, mr. jefferson. I dont know his first name, but hes horrible. he owns slaves, he assumed because i was wearing pants i was attention seeking, and he dragged me out of my office.

I dont know what to do, and i miss you mother, i do. If only you didnt die that day, you'd finally succeed in all of your dreams.

All my love -Astrid Hamilton x

I smiled to myself, and left the ink to dry. I could finish romeo and juliet tonight. Nothings waiting for me at home, so ill be fine. I put my feet on my desk, as i started reading the book, I cant lie it was actually really good, but i could put my finger on where i id read it before. It was so familar, and this was a copy washington had given to me for my birthday last year, and he said i'd like it.

Eliza had reccomended it when i first met her, when i was 16. I finished it, closing the book, before i pulled my feet down, and took off my jacket, putting it below my head. i crossed my arms underneath it. i heard the door open, but left it, and i felt someone picking me up. I nuzzled in the chest as tiredness took over my body. I properly fell asleep then.


Words: 1235

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