Chapter 6

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Astrids POV

Hercules was back for the week, so we decided to go into the nearby town. Me, Alexander, Lafayette, John and herc walked around, before stumbling onto a French bakery. I looked at Laf as we rushed in, And spent an hour talking to the owners, and the staff.

 We left afterwards, and set eyes on a certain man on a Pedi stool. He held a piece of parchment in his hands, speaking loudly. We neared the crowd, and alex glared at him, as he caught wind of what he was saying. He started again once more, now realizing he had an audience. 

''Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury! And I present free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress. Heed not the rabble who scream revolution, They have not your interest at heart'' He started,  before I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see herc standing there, alexander next to him. 

'Someone tear this dude apart!'' He exclaimed, already annoyed at the mans antics. I nodded, as alexander took a few steps forward, before walking through the crowd, us following to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I saw Aaron burr Sitting around, looking at the event. I still didn't like him since the duel, but I had to tolerate him. 

''Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution, Don't let them lead you astray, This Congress does not speak for me'' He said once more, and Alex went to join him on the stool, but Aaron brought him down, shaking his head. 

''Let him be Alexander.'' Aaron said, putting a hand on alexanders chest. The shorter man stepped back, taking into his words for once. Laf pushed him forward slightly, beckoning him on. 

''They're playing a dangerous game, I pray the king shows you his mercy. For shame, for shame...!-'' He began, as Alexander had enough. He got onto the stool, and I let out a small chuckle. Laf smirked at me and put his arm around my shoulders.

 The two went back and forth for five minutes, before Aaron came back, giving me, john, herc and laf a look. We all sniggered as Alex was pushed off the stool. 

I sighed as We left, and walked around the market, walking around. A woman screaming got our attentions, about how her satchel had been taken. A man was running away from her, but no one payed it any mind. I took off my jacket and shoved it into Lafayette's arms before running after the thief. He turned into a dead end, as i ran after him, tackling him to the ground. I took the satchel from him and sighed, pulling him up. He ran off, but I couldn't care less. 

I walked back to the market, and return the woman's satchel. She thought I was the thief, because i was only in my shirt, boots and pants, as well as jacket less. I rolled my eyes at her accusation, and i laf slipped my jacket onto my shoulders, and I thanked him for returning it.

 I was about to leave this strange woman, before she turned me around and until he slapped me around the face. Anger shot through me, as I balled my fists, and made a connection to her face. I heard a crack as her nose started to bleed. She tackled me to the ground, Her blood dripping onto my shirt. 

I heard gasps as people watched us fight, Her still over me, punching anywhere she could. I slipped my arms into my jacket and grabbed her hair, pulling her back by her hair. I dragged her off of me by her hair. I punched her once more, before someone grabbed me by my arms. I looked beside me, to see two middle aged men, holding my arms. She took a swing at my face, leaving a bruise on my cheek. I growled in pain as she kicked me in the stomach, forcing me to my knees. 

''That's not very ladylike Maria.'' One of the men snarled, as they dragged me up. Lafayette, john, Alex or Hercules weren't in sight, so I had no one to rely on. Crap. I elbowed one of them in the face, and kicked him between his legs, forcing himself to fall over. I yielded my musket, and banged it against the other mans head, shoving him into unconsciousness. 

I looked at the woman, who was supposedly 'maria', And tackled her to the floor, punching her, and pulling out her brunette locks. I was dragged off by someone, and I looked behind me. Lafayette and john stood there, shock on there faces. Maria was dragged off, as I wiped the blood from my nose. 

''What the hell was that!?'' John yelled, looking at me. I looked at the floor, as the pain began to settle in. I rubbed my face, as Laf scowled at someone behind me. I looked around to see Alex laughing, walking towards me. He threw his arm around my shoulders and smirked at me, rubbing my hair. 

''I'm married, and I have a sister that can beat down anyone!'' He yelled, smiling. I smirked at him as herc joined us, obviously aware of what stunt I had just pulled. Herc gasped as he looked at the blood stains on my jacket. He was disappointed in me, due to his love for fabrics. I stripped off the jacket once more, and looked at the splodges

. It would come out. Herc sighed once more as we all made our way back to camp in silence, before a sudden pain in my head flashed before. me I rubbed my temples, trying to make it drift away. Herc looked at me and frowned, and I shrugged. What the hell was happening?

''Mon ami.. You okay?'' Laf asked, and everyone looked to me. I nodded, as we stepped onto camp soil. We made our way to our tent, it being quite a long walk home. As I stepped in, I walked to my bed and fell on it, sleep consuming my thoughts. John pulled the blanket over me, and took off my boots, and my jacket. I nuzzled my head into the pillow, and moved it to my side, clinging onto it. I fell asleep after that, and woke up to the worst thing imaginable.


Words: 1061 

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