Chapter 11

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Astrids POV


I stared at there hands, and alex clicked his fingers infront of my eyes once more, a worried look on his face. I'd been out of it for awhile according to him, but im just busy, seeing as washington wants me involved more with americas upbringing. I sighed and Rubbed my face with my hands, pushing away the tiredness i'd been feeling and looked at him.

''Me and Washington want you at the first cabinet meeting, its Jeffersons meeting as Sectary of state, we need a new national bank, but jefferson wont agree. We have to get this done. Jefferson cannot get away with this, washington put me in charge. not him.'' Alex growled and i nodded. I had to be their, even if it meant watching my brother being absolutely destroyed by a certain jefferson.


A few weeks later

I stepped out of the carriage, with the help of alexander. We looked at the carriages going and coming, and we strode over to washington. He shook alex's hand, but then pulled me into a long hug. I smiled at alexander, as he glared at me. It was obvious who was washingdads favourite. We were interupted by a carriage stopping a few meters away from us. A man with dark, poofy hair, dressed in a magenta coat stepped out, a cane grasped in his hand. Another man strode past us, a white handkerchief grasped in his hand.

He was dressed in a grey coat, his white shirt ruffled peaked out from below his cuffs of his arms. I stared at the taller man, taking in his features. A well shaven beard, brunette poofy hair, a magenta cloak that exaggerated his outfit. His pink lips and caramel skin clashed perfectly. I caught myself smiling, but i quickly tucked it away.

They two men started to converse, as did me and alexander. We spoke about the new country, washington being president aswell as my nephew, phillip. We were interupted once again by Washington clearing his voice, and we stepped foward. The president stepped forward to greet the two men, but alex stepped two steps foward, blocking me and washington. He introduced himself and i pulled him back by his collar.

''Welcome home mr. Jefferson. You've met alexander, but have you met his wonderful and a lot quieter and less arrogant younger sister, Astrid?'' Washington asked, and i sniggered at that. Alex turned to him to speak, but i clamped a hand over his mouth. Jefferson turned his attention to me, his chocolate brown eyes stared into my soul, exploring every crack and dent. I bowed my blue coat jacket wrapped around my legs slightly.

''Your in.. pants.'' Jefferson said, looking disgusted. I tried my hardest to not punch him in the face. I looked at Alex and he nodded, knowing what i was going to do. Washington put his head in his hands, sick of the hamilton antics. The carriages began to leave, giving me enough room to put this assuming idiot in his place.

''My name is Astrid Hamilton, i was known as lieutenant Hamilton, I led my party of men to york town and fought along side Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier. After we won the revolution, id risen to a social status, and i knew wearing frolicky dresses, aswell as quiet feminine clothing, it would be obvious i was just a ''useless women'' so i choose to dress like this, is that to your standards mr. jefferson?'' I asked, batting my eyelashes at him. He looked shocked that someone had finally spoken up to him, especially a woman.

''thats quiet enough astrid! go settle in your office inside, alexander will come get you when the meeting starts.'' Washington said, before i looked at jefferson, a look on his face that screamed anger. I muttered something about him already being an arrogent pig. I walked up the stairs and walked into my office, slamming the door so hard the ink bottles on my desk shook. I sat down at my desk and picked up a book, looking at the cover.

It was romeo and juliet. My mother used to read it to me. I put my feet on my desk and started reading. I had no clue how good it was, but i remebered reading fragments of it before, but i couldnt put my finger on where i had. I didnt look up when i heard someone walk in, i assumed it was alexander walk in. I looked at the grand-father clock on the wall and saw it was around 18:30. I looked at my desk and closed my book. He nodded and i swung my legs off of the chair. I looked up to see jefferson standing in my office, and not alexander.

''The meetings about to start. Come on'' He growled before pulling me out of my office harshly by my wrist. I turned him around and slapped him across the face. He looked dow. at me, suprised, but then that melted into anger. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth together, about to speak before I saw the same dark skinned man.

''Jefferson, Hamilton. lets go'' He grumbled as we followed him down. I sat on alexanders side, as the dark skinned man sat on jeffersons. I looked around the room, washington in the middle and four chairs surrounded him, leaving a space in the middle. some guy gave washington his microphone, Alexander his, and Mr. jefferson his. alex turned to me, a smile on his face. He'd done something. Uh oh.

Washington began to speak, but i drained it out, thinking about what alex was going to do. Laurens was thriving with peggy, lafayette in france and hercules was still in his apprentice, so it couldnt involve any of those? Or did him and washington plan something out? Oh i was so going to kill my brother, and my father figure f they were plotting something. A string of words knocked me out of my trance, aswell as my train of thought as the first cabinet meeting began.


A/N: Johns not dead!!!!! woohoo (and i saw a few peggyxjohns so i added it in :)

Words: 2029 

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