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     "Okay so you mean to tell me I snuck out of my house through the window, biked my way over here in this heavy ass rain, to help you with this girl you found in the woods while looking for Will?" I questioned the boys. "Uh yeah, something like that." Mike answered.

     "Something like that? Oh god." I said stressfully chuckling under my breath. "Okay um, do you know your parents number? Maybe we can call for help?" I looked at the girl. She was strange. She wore a long yellow shirt, with no shoes and buzzed hair almost to the scalp.

     Receiving no answer from her I looked at the boys. "Are you in some kind of trouble?" I asked again. "Is that blood?" Lucas said as I saw his hand reaching out to her in the corner of my eye. Slapping it away I gave him a look. "Seriously? Stop it your freaking her out!" "Well she's freaking me out Ash!" he yelled to me.

     "Guys that's enough please. She's just cold and scared." I said rubbing my temples. Walking to a bin of Mikes clean clothes I grabbed a pair of sweats and a sweat shirt. "Here put these on." I said handing her the outfit.

     Watching her get up she started pulling her shirt up. "Oh my god Ashley!" "What is she doing?" "She's crazy!" The boys started yelling as I stuck my hands out to her. "Woah, woah, woah, not here. In there." I said pointing to the bathroom.

     Leading her in I closed the door to give her some privacy. Feeling a force holding the door back I turned around. "No privacy? How about I keep the door this much open?" I said closing the door once more with it being three inches open. As she nodded her head I walked back to the boys.

     Hearing them gossiping about her I interrupted. "Okay enough trash talk, how are you guys going to get away with finding a human, bringing her here, and not knowing what to do next?" I questioned. "We don't know! She's psycho! We went to find Will not her." Lucas replied.

   "We need to tell your mom Mike." Dustin said. "Uh who's crazy now? My mom will kill me if she finds out!" Mike yelled. "You guys weren't even supposed to be out tonight. How are you gonna get away with your mom not finding out Mike?" I questioned once more. "Okay here's the plan. She stays the night and in the morning i'll have her go around the house knock on the door and my mom would know what to do the rest of the time being. We will be in the clear. We can go back out tomorrow night and find Will." Mike explained.

     Shaking my head I pinched my nose. "You better be right about this Wheeler. I don't need you guys in a mess with my Uncle." I said as they all nodded. Once I left the Wheelers I snuck back in my room successfully and went back to bed.


     Waking up I noticed i had dark circles under my eyes. Getting ready I grabbed a pair of mom jeans, a red sweater and threw my hair up in a messy pony tail.

     Walking out the house I grabbed my bike and made my way to school. Feeling the wind pulling out some baby hairs from my pony tail I tugged them behind my ear as I parked my bike.

     Walking through the doors I noticed Jonathan. "Jonathan?" I asked. Seeing him turn around gave me a tired smile. Walking up to him I gave him a hug. "You doing okay?" He nodded with a shaky sigh. "He's gonna be okay. I know he will." I said giving him a small smile.

     Helping him put up the missing poster of Will I turned to the side and saw Nancy Wheeler with Steve Harrington?

     What a odd combination. I had distanced from Nance over the years but I never thought I would catch her hanging out with Steve Harrington. Probably have something going on.

     Bringing my focus back on the poster I heard foot steps walking towards us. It was Nancy. "Hey Ashley." she said. "Hi." I replied with a small smile. "Everyone's thinking about him." She mentioned to Jonathan as he brought his attention to Nancy.

     As he nodded he gave her a tight lipped smile. "He's going to be fine i'm sure." she said giving him a smile. "Nancy." A familiar voice called the girls name as the person grabbed our attention.

     None other than Steve was calling her. As she waved goodbye to us the bell rang. "Weird. I'm gonna go to class, ill catch you later okay?" I said while patting his shoulder as he nodded.


     I noticed that I hadn't seen Jonathan since the morning so I decided to walk alone to my locker once again. Walking towards my locker I felt a tall person bump into me.

     "Shit." I mumbled as my notebooks and walkman fell out of my hand. "My bad." It was Steve. Once again I see him day after day. I kinda found it odd but I mean it's high school you see everybody around.

     As we both bent to the floor we picked up my stuff and accidentally bumped heads. "Sorry." we said in unison as we both chuckled. As we both got up we started at each other for a bit until I broke our eye contact by hearing Tommy H and Carols voice.

   "Woahh, what do we have here? Little Emerson?" Tommy questioned chuckling. Rolling my eyes I walked away. I seriously cannot stand the two. Leaving I walked to my bike and made my way home.


     Once I got home I had gotten a call from the house phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Yeah hey Emerson it's Steve." My eyebrows furrowed. "How did you get my number?" I questioned him. "I have my ways." I rolled my eyes at his response.

   "Did you need something?" "No yeah um, you left your walkman at school. When we bumped into each other I forgot to give it to you." he replied to my question. Patting my waistband from my pants I didn't feel my walkman on me. I didn't even realize I didn't have it.

     "You can come pick it up if you want. I'm having a few people over and you could come by really quick." he said interrupting my thoughts. "Um yeah sure i'll see if I can. Thanks by the way." "Anytime." He said on the other line of the phone as I hung up.

     I really didn't wanna be worrying about my walkman getting lost with Steve Harrington, so I decided I would go pick it up myself.


     Arriving to his house I dropped my bike as I heard a few people yelling. I honestly had gotten spooked.

     Walking into the back yard I noticed the asshole trio along with Nancy and Barb. "She made it!" Tommy yelled out slurring his words a bit. Probably was drunk.

     Nervously chuckling corrected him. "No I didn't come to party I just came to pick up my walkman." "Awe come on Emerson why don't you stay for a while." Steve interrupted me.

     "No, I really should be going. Thank you though." "How about a drink then. Just before you leave." Steve recommended. "Yeah try it Ashley. It's fun." Nancy insisted. Didn't find her much of the drinking type.

     Since I wanted to get out of here fast enough I could do one drink so they would let me leave. "Alright I guess." As Tommy and Carol cheered Steve handed me a pocket knife and a beer can. "Here you go Emerson." Digging a whole into the can I started chugging onto the drink. Half way done I heard them chanting 'Chug, chug ,chug' over and over again.

     Once I was done I threw the can into a near by trash can as they all cheered their drunk asses off once more. "Okay thank you for the invite to stay but I should be leaving already it's pretty late." I stated as Steve nodded. "Well glad you came to pick up your walkman then Emerson." Steve said giving me a smile as I returned one back.


     Making my way back to mg house I heard a scream but a scream of terror. Jumping at the noise I took a quick look of my surroundings. I thought it would be best to hurry on home so that's what I did.

𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒖𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇!

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