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   Arriving back at the Byers house we got off and helped Jonathan get everything out of the trunk. "Are we sure we really wanna do this?" I asked getting the chills. "Yes. We're doing this." Nancy said firmly as I stayed quiet.

   Going inside we screwed every single lightbulb back on the wires, set the bear traps, get our weapons ready, and laid gasoline around the house.

   Looking at both Jonathan and Nancy I gulped nervously. Closing my eyes shut for a few seconds and open them wide after. We're doing this.

   As Jonathan went to grab three knifes from the kitchen I prepared myself mentally for this.

  "Alright remember-" "Straight into Wills room. And-" "Don't step on the trap." "Wait for the yo-yo to move." "Then-" "Boom." We finished each other's sentences.

  "You guys ready?" Jonathan asked as he looked at us both. "Ready." Both me and Nancy said at the same time.

  "We all held our hands out with the knife hovering us. "On three. One, Two, You don't have to do this." "Jonathan stop talking."

  "Three!" I said quickly as we each sliced our hands. "Shit." I mumbled in pain.

   As we wrapped our hands I noticed Jonathan and Nancy quite close with each other. Cocking an eyebrow I heard a noise.

  "Did you guys hear that." I said looking at them as they both looked up at me. "It's just the wind." Jonathan replied.

   As Nancy looked at him worriedly he reassured us. But I noticed he looked at Nancy a different way. A way he never looks at anybody.

   Could he like her?

  "My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." "Speak?" "Blink." He corrected himself. "Think of them as alarms." As it got quite I let them have their moment they were having until I heard knocking.

  "Holy shit." I muttered. "Jonathan!" That's son of a bitch. "Are you there, man? It's, it's steve!" He yelled out. "Listen I just wanna talk!" Once he finished we all looked at each other.

   As Nancy opened the door they started bickering to each other as he pushed him self inside. "Ashley? wait what the-" "You need to get out of here, now!" I demanded.

  As he fought through Jonathan's grip we heard Nancy yell. "Steve get out now!" As we turned to her she held a gun up to Steve's head. "What? What is going on?" He yelled back.

  Arguing back and forth the lights started to go off. I was amazed. Looking at the lights flicker on and off had me in a daze. "It's here." I let out as we each got ready in our positions.

   Grabbing my shovel I had it ready in position to swing. "Woah watch it with that." Steve yelled at me. "Steve just shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I started stressing.

   The light's flickered faster and faster by the second as the ceiling started falling apart.

   Nancy began shooting it as Jonathan got a hold of her and Steve grabbed my arm and ran. Avoiding every trap we went to Wills room.

  "Jesus what the hell is that!" "Shut up!" We all yelled at Steve Hearing the noise come to the door I held my shovel up as Nancy held her gun and Jonathan held the lighter.

   Soon the lights jolted. "Do you hear anything?" I asked as they both said no. As Jonathan opened the door we each followed one by one.

   We quietly made it back to the living room looking around for the monster. As Steve started muttering words he grabbed the phone and started dialing a number.

  I grabbed the phone and broke it. "Are you crazy?" "It's gonna come back! So you need to leave. Right now." As he looked at me he looked at Nancy then back to me.

   Seeing him walk out in terror I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The lights started flickering yet again and again as we all nervously looked around.

   They finally stopped but they had went out. Hearing a low growl behind me Nancy yelled. "Ashley! Look out!" Turning around as fast as I could I got dropped to the floor.

   Grabbing my shovel I stabbed it and kicked the monster off of me. Crawling away it looked towards me, Jonathan and Nancy.

    Seeing it fall my eyes widened. "Steve!" Nancy yelled out. As he kept hitting the monster with the bat I tried my best to get up. I was in shock. This is what my dream felt like.

    As it got stuck in the traps we headed to where steve was watching it get trapped. Holding my shovel on me still I yelled for Jonathan. "Jonathan now!" He ran towards us with the lighter and lit the fluid beneath us.

    Watching the monster go in flames everybody covered their faces but me. "That son of a bitch. I mumbled while breathing heavily as Steve looked at me and back at the monster.

   As Jonathan pushed me aside he got the fire extinguisher as blew it all over the fire. With us all coughing it slowly got dark.

   Squinting my eyes open I tried seeing the monster, but it was no where. "Where'd it go?" "It has to be dead." Jonathan answered Nancy. "It has to be."

   Looking down at it, it looked melted? It sizzled all over the bear traps as I continued to look at it.

   I noticed the lights started turning back on one by one. As me and Steve were in front of the group we held up the shovel and bat.

   We slowly walked back into the living room from the hallway and looked at each individual light turn on. "Mom, is that you?" I heard Jonathan mumble.

   As we walked outside the house we saw a street light flicker once and stayed on. "Where's it going?" Nancy asked as we all stayed quiet. "I don't think that's the monster." Jonathan replied to her as I looked up at him in confusion.

  Then it clicked. "Hopper and Joyce."


   We made our way to the school and saw police cars and ambulances. Getting out I look around. Is this really it. Is it over?

   Noticing Lucas, Mike and Dustin safe in the ambulance with blankets warmed my heart as tears formed in my eyes. They were okay.

   Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning it was Steve. "Hey." "Hi." I replied flatly.

  "You okay?" I nodded at his question. "Your nose okay?" Him thinking back to when I punched him made him chuckle. "Yeah, i'm okay." Looking at him I gave me a small smile as he did the same.


   We were in the waiting room impatiently waiting to see Will. I heard a door open and saw Jonathan with a tight lipped smile.

  He's awake.

  As Mike and I shared a glance at one another I woke up Dustin and Lucas from their nap as Mike sprinted out the door.

   Walking into the room I looked at him with tears in my eyes. Looking at him and the rest of the party reunite made me laugh softly. "Ashley?" Wills said with a smile on his face.

  "Yeah, i'm here." I said sniffing. Giving him a smile I hugged him carefully not trying to hurt him. "I'm so glad your okay." I said as he hugged me back.

   As the boys were telling Will about how they all saved him and met Eleven Jonathan and I stood next to each other as I lay my head on his shoulder for comfort.

   As he did the same we watched the party talk with smiles on our faces.


𝑨𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓☹️☹️

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