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Waking up I remembered the day. 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍. Looking at the black dress hanging on the door I got up to take a quick shower.

Once I got out I got dressed in the black dress, did a bit of makeup to cover the puffiness and dark circles, and threw my hair in a half up half down style. Looking in the mirror I knew I wasn't mentally prepared for this at all.


As my mom drove us there we met up with the Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. As I saw Nancy I gave her a small smile.

During the ceremony I kept seeing Jonathan turning towards me. I found it odd because I would've thought he would want to pay attention to pay his respects for Will. Maybe he was just a little jumpy.

Once it was finished we made our way to pay our respects to Lonnie, Joyce, and Jonathan.

Giving them hugs Jonathan pulled me aside. "Ash there's something we need to talk about." Cocking an eyebrow I looked at him with a weird look. "Is everything okay? Do you need something?" "I haven't told you this, but my mom has been going nuts. She's been thinking that Will is talking to her through the lights, a monster coming out of our wall, just talking nonsense. But we think Will has got to be alive." I looked at him in utter shock. "A-Alive? And we? Who's we?" I questioned as Nancy came along. "Your in on this?" I asked as she nodded. "Okay, so what's the plan."


We found a spot to sit so they could inform me on everything I missed out "This is where we know for sure it's been, right? so that's Steve's house, and that's the woods where they found Will's bike and that's my house." Jonathan explained to us as I nodded.

"It's all so close." "Yeah. Exactly." Jonathan told Nancy. "So it's all within a mile at least?" I asked Jonathan as he nodded. "Whatever this thing is, it's not traveling far." as me and Nancy looked at each other we knew we both thought the same thing. "You wanna go out there." "Don't you." I finished Nancy's sentence.

"We might not find anything." "But I found something." She cut him off. As it went silent I interrupted them. "And if we do see it, then what?" We all looked at each other until Jonathan answered. "We kill it."


Running to Jonathan's car he started fishing for something in the dash board pocket. "What are you doing?" "Just give me a second" I rolled my eyes as they argued.

As we saw him pull out a gun we both looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious." "Dude your crazy what are you doing with that." I said looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What Ash? You want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it?" He shot at me. "This is a terrible idea." Nancy argued. "Well it's the best we got. What? You can tell someone but they aren't gonna believe you." He said glaring at us.

"Joyce deserves to know." I said making him go quiet. "Yeah i'll tell her, once this thing is dead." As me and Nancy looked at each other and back at him I turned away and rolled my eyes.


As Nancy and Jonathan were in the front I was listening to Stand by me a few feet behind them. They looked like they were talking normally until I heard bickering through my head phones.

Running towards them I tried stopping them "Yeah well I thought Jonathan Byers wasn't the creep everyone says he was." "Guys." "Yeah? And I thought Nancy Wheeler wasn't just another suburban girl in rebelling." "Guys!" I yelled at them both. "Could you both shut up. Look we are trying to find this thing. We don't need anymore problems." I finished.

As the both looked at me Jonathan walked away as Nancy followed. Pinching my nose I shook my head. "Great." I said putting my headphones back on.


We had been walking for a few hours and it was already night time. It was very quiet between the two.

As we kept walking I stopped to hearing a sound. As I turned I saw Nancy stop too and look at me. "What are you both tired?" Jonathan said in a sassy tone. "Shut up." Nancy said.

Hearing the whimpering noise grow louder we followed it. We were met with a dead deer that was covered in blood. "Holy shit." As we all bent down to take a closer look Nancy tried touching it. "It looks like it was hit by a car. We can't just leave it." She said looking at us both.

As she tried pointing the gun at it she hesitated. "I'll do it." "I thought you said-" "I'm not nine anymore." they both argued.

Right I remember, when we were nine Jonathan went hunting with his dad and shot a rabbit he cried to me on the phone about it when we were younger. As we all stood up Jonathan looked hesitant to shoot it.

Closing my eyes getting ready to jump by the noise I opened my eyes to see the deer was taken by something. "What the-" "What was that." Nancy cut me off.

As we tried following it I held a bat next to me that I grabbed in my garage. Looking around with Jonathan I noticed Nancy wasn't with us.

"Nancy?" I called out. Both me and Jonathan started panicking cause she wasn't around us what so ever.

We started hearing a girls voice after a while. Nancy's voice. "Nancy? Nance where are you?" I called out. "Nancy!" Jonathan did the same. We started hearing her scream and calling for us with terror in her voice. "Just follow our voices Nance!" We both called out.

I ran towards a weird looking tree with liquid pouring out of it. "What the-" As I was about to touch it I saw a hand pop out. "Ashley! Help me!" It was Nancy. Grabbing on her hand I pulled as hard as I could. "Jon help me!" I called out for help.

As we both managed to pull her out me and Jonathan hugged her and tried to comfort her as tears poured down her eyes. What did she see?


𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒇𝒉𝒘𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒚

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