Chapter Eleven: She's Back

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Ariana's P.O.V.
It's been 2 months now since all of the Hendall bullshit had began and I have yet to hear from Harry. He began tour so I don't see him very often on jobs anymore and I fear I'm stuck in a rut; why you might ask? Well, it's as simple as this; I fucking liked that doucher. It wasn't the plan, none of it was. It was going to be simple; I pretend to be cutesy with Harry in front of the cameras and when I'm off camera I'd continue the single life I had before all of this. But now... Now that I got a glimpse of what it was like to actually be with someone, with Harry, as more then a one night stand I suddenly feel like, I'm missing out? As embarrassing as it is to admit, I miss it. It was nice to know that after the walk of shame id see him again- It was even heart warming to know that I wanted to see him again as well.

"Knock knock!" An abnormally perky voice chimed through my house for the first time in 2 months but what seemed like an eternity. "Ari! You haven't moved an inch since I left!"

I sight before flipping through more channels on the TV that sat before me, empty containers of Chinese food scattered all around and candy wrappers. Don't judge me, it helps the pain. "I did too! I got up and went pee, I just so happened to come back here. And what does it matter anyways?" I hear my friend snort before she stomps towards me, snatching the remote from my hands she turns off the tv and looks back towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ariana! It matters because you used to be the party girl, the one who was never inside on a Saturday night yet here you are!" Elizabeth waves her hands dramatically emphasizing my whole situation. I found nothing wrong with it. in fact, I was quite happy where I was. "I mean seriously, You're letting him get to you like this? That's basically letting him win!" She storms towards me before plopping down in the seat beside me.

"I know, I know... you're right, I shouldn't be doing this but... This is where I am right now..."

"Well then stop being here! Get up, shower, put on some mascara, slap on your red lipstick and a dress with some heels and your all set!" She gives me a smile before standing up again with all too much energy.

"But-" before I could protest she had already forced me up and pulled me into the bathroom where she quickly shoved me in. I ran towards the door but found it quickly slammed in my face, Elizabeth holding the handle making it impossible to get out. fuck. "Whatever Gilleies, you win this round!" I growl, but only receive a giggle in return.
After my shower I instantly felt the relief. I didn't stink anymore, my hair wasn't greasy and I smelt of vanilla and honey mixed together perfectly. And for the first time in months I felt like the old Ariana was back, hell, she was back. "Elizabeth you can let go of the door now! Ariana's back!" I hear muffled cheers from behind the door and jump when the door swings open revealing Elizabeth who held the vanity room key. "Shall we?"

We both walk down the long hallway in silence and anticipation before we arrive at the much-missed doorway. On the gold painted door lied 'Girls Powder Room' painted in baby pink cursive. Elizabeth unlocked it without hesitation and we both bolted in. The room was beyond big, it was the size of a living room and master bedroom combined- the flooring was the perfect polished dark oak with soft baby pink fur rugs, the window sills had seats and bed-like couches built into them and were each lined with gold, baby pink and white pillows and blankets. The curtains that hung from the gold bars above the windows were practically clear but flowed perfectly once the wind blew through them. The walls were all painted black and in the back of the room there was the closet space where all of my our best clothing lived on the daily. The ceiling was covered in twinkling star shaped lights and on the opposite side of our closet space was our makeup vanities where we always did our makeup. Surround sound speakers with a completely capable MP3 hookup was easily at our command; needless to say it pays off to have plenty of money to blow.

"Jeez, I forgot how in love I am with this room!" I squealed before running over towards one of the bean bags in the middle of the fur rugs, and plopping down comfortably. Elizabeth chuckles softly before plugging in her phone and blasting 'Cooler then me' and prancing over to the vanity.

"I'll do my makeup first, you pick your outfit!" I nod before somersaulting off the chair. I lazily make my way over to the closet and sort through all of them making mental notes of what I wanted to wear and what I didn't. I instantly gasp as I found the outfit I had settled on and quickly strip down. I slip on the pair of high waisted short Jean shorts and then pull on a white halter top. I tie on my favorite pair of high top white converse and then run over to the vanity and turn on my straightener. After putting on all the usual makeup for the first time in forever, I felt as good as I looked (which FYI was flawless if I do say so myself!).

"Ready?" My stomach leaps as I hear the music turn off and footsteps drawing closer.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." I hold my breath as I grab my phone and slide it into my back pocket, I slip my favorite black leather jacket on and give an unconvincing smile with a nod. She leads me out of the house, I lock the door behind me and am instantly bombarded by flashes and video cameras being shoved in my face accompanied with reporters yelling for the answers to questions I barely found audible.

After struggling through the crowded streets we finally make it into the car and quickly drive off. Not even moments later my phone vibrates multiple times with headlines all about me; 'Ariana spotted out' and 'Is Old Ariana back?' Flashing multiple times.

"Looks like somebodies popular, huh?" Elizabeth teases, I playfully shove her before rolling my eyes and taking a sip from the glass she had handed me.
(This is just a filler! expect an update filled with some action next time! Old Ariana gets her moves and grooves on (;
.XX Amber)

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