Chapter Four: Making up

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*WARNING* sexual content and foul language, not too bad though! Enjoy! (:

  "Justin! Wait!" I call after him, grabbing his arm.

  "J, please let me explain-"

  "Explain what? The fact that I just saw you kissing Harry, a boy you swore you didn't like. Oh or perhaps that you played me? Yeah, no thanks, spare me your lies."

  He tears his arm from mine and walks towards his car. I grab his arm again, yanking on it as if my life depended on it. Fuck, it felt as if it did!

  "Please justin! Don't leave, I can explain! Please!" I beg, tears spring from my eyes and leak down my cheeks as I wrap my arms around his.

  Hearing my sniffling, he looks down with a look of pure shock. My cheeks dust a rich red as I suddenly began to realize how stupid I was acting. Why would he want to stay? I'm making a fool of myself! I force myself to free him of my grasp and take a step back, "I'm sorry... Just forget it, you can go if that's what you want... After seeing that I wouldn't blame you for hating me, I hate myself too." I whisper. Feeling utterly humiliated, I turn on my heels and begin to slink back towards my home. He grabs my wrist and slams my back against his chest. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and rests his chin against my forehead.

  "Stop crying..." He whispers, "You're far too perfect to be crying over an asshole like me... If you say what I saw was misunderstood then I believe you..."

  I shake my head before turning around and wrapping my arms around his waist. "I'm not the perfect one here," my words were muffled against his chest but I knew he understood enough. I lose myself in his embrace for a while before we finally relocate to my living room.

We don't talk about what happened, instead we avoid the topic completely. I never really did stop to wonder where Harry had run off to after I pushed him away from me either.

  In the middle of the movie, I felt a small soft and buttery piece of popcorn hit the side of my forehead, making me gasp.

  Justin bursts into a fit of laughter until I throw a piece back at him. This continues back and forth for a while until we both just stop and giggle for a moment, mostly so we wouldn't waste the food...

  God you could feel the sexual tension right now...

  I playfully nudge his arm, his mouth drops with a slight smirk. I stick my tongue out at him, getting him to scoff.

  We both look back towards the movie smiling, until I was tackled to the ground. I struggle to get up and then realize he was straddling me, leaving no known escape route. Oh, what a precious idiot. I kick and roll around trying to get out of my predicament, failing miserably.

  I laugh hysterically as he tickles my side. I struggle as hard as possible but nothing I could possibly do stops him.

  Once realizing I had hands I began to bat his hands away, resulting in him pinning my wrists over my head forcefully. Opening my eyes they instantly widen as I stare into his intense ones. His lips were just seconds from mine and I could literally feel his breath against my skin, would it be wrong to say I liked it?

  We make long eye contact, glancing at each other's lips from time to time until I bite my lip, showing my full obedience. His lips curl into a smile before we both slowly move in.

Come on and kiss me already! Jeez!

  I feel his soft lips crash against mine, our lips hungrily moving in sync. As he let's go of my arms, they quickly lace around his neck. I smile through the kiss and roll him over so I'm on top as we continue the dance with our tongues rather heatedly.

  He rolls me over so we're back to our original position and starts kissing down my neck. I blush as a moan escapes my lips, Jesus Ariana!

  He smirks as we make eye contact, making me blush even more. He could see me unravel from such a simple action, how humiliating! He begins to lightly nibble at my collarbone, leaving marks as if my moans were encouragement.

As he finally leans up, we connect our lips once more. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was simply fueled by his lust. This, however, didn't bother me in least. He stands up before holding his hand out for me. I take it, my face still a bloody red as he pulls towards the stairs.

Finally! I've been waiting for thi-

My celebratory thoughts were cut short by him passing the stairs and leading me to the door. He opens it quickly and steps out, still standing in front of it staring in. I lean against the door frame, him leaning his arm on the door frame hovering over me.

"You don't have to go you know, you can come sleep with me tonight, and you know... Finish what we just started?" My cheeks hear at my own offer as he smirks smugly. He leans in close and whispers softly in my ear, his breath still hot against my skin.

"Not before I take you on a date, I'll fuck you hard after that, I promise."

I blush even harder, if that's possible, and once again make eye contact with him. I bite my lip as my craving for him grew stronger, "Sounds good to me."

"Don't make any other plans Saturday or Sunday, got it?"

"Why Saturday and Sunday?" I ask with a confused snicker.

  "You'll need a day to recover, trust me, you'll be sore." He winks with a smirk as my jaw drops with a gasp, "just being honest"

  "God Justin!" I laugh, he chuckles and waves, "night gorgeous!" He calls to me as he drives off. I wave and blow him a kiss. Once he's fully out of sight I blush harder then ever and bite my lip. I'll be sore and need a day to recover, huh? That cheeky bastard.

  I hover my hand over my lips blushing, a flashback of Harry pops into mind... I need to talk to him... I'll do that first thing in the morning, for now let's just go finish that movie!

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