Chapter Seven: Sneaky business

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I wake up to the unmistakable aroma of french toast and bacon, Springing out of bed I sprint down the stairs, to the left down the hall and finally in the kitchen. That's where I saw Harry cooking eggs, in his boxers.

I smile and come behind him hugging his waist and kiss his cheek while standing on my toes. He takes out the headphones I hadn't noticed before and turns around hugging me and kissing me softly against the lips.

Talk about Fireworks.

He chuckles softly and turns back around to continue cooking, I hop up on the counter next to the stove and sit there watching him with a smile. Every once and a while he would glance over to me, giggle and look back.

Why do I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach when I look at him like that?

I shake it off and walk over to take he pantry grabbing two plates, the ketchup and silverware walking out of the kitchen and into the dining room. I begin setting up the table and hum softly while doing so.

Harry walks out with the food and dishes us up, He makes his way back into the kitchen while I begin to eat and soon joins me.

"Oh my goodness!" I squeal, causing Harry to leap off his chair and turns towards me alarmed, "this is so good!"

We both chuckle lightly and go back to eating making small chitter chatter here and there.

"Ariana, could I ask you a small favor?"


"There's this... party... and I was just wondering if you... uh... if you'd-"

"i'd love to Harry," I cut him off with a smile and leave a kiss on his cheek.

Jesus Ariana why are you acting so cutesy and shit? Knock it off, it's getting gross!

"What kind of party is it?"

"It's our album release and its tomorrow night... the themes midnight madness... Do you get it?"

I giggle at the awful joke and nod, "so it's basically just a house party?"

"bring a bikini too." he says with a smirk, he checks his watch and cringes, "gotta go babe, see ya later." he kisses my cheek and flees from the house. I grin and hold my belly which was filled with butterflies.

Moments later, the butterflies subside and I reach for my phone and dial Justin, I tell him the coast is clear. Not even 10 minutes later Justin arrives and things get pretty nasty from there.


"So what'd he say?" Justin asks, still gasping for air.

"I'm going to a release party with him tomorrow," I groan, "Shit, I'm sorry, I have to cancel our date."

"it's all good, I know how Management can get, I'm sorry you have to lie to your fans saying you're dating him." he scoffs.

"Oh come on, he's a sweet guy! he's really cute and ooh he is a great kisser!"

Justin shoots me a glare, I laugh "You're still the best though."

"Damn right I am!"

I laugh and then start to put on my spandex shorts followed by my bra when I hear the front door slam shut.

"Babe?" I hear In a familiar British accent, I panic and shove Justin off the bed. Plopping down on the bed I grab the nearest magazine so it looks like I was reading.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and begin to flip through the pages, "Yeah Hon, I'm up here!"

Harry appears in the door way with a cheesy grin on his face, "Just needed to grab my charger", he grabs his charger and walks over to me, kissing me dead on the lips, "I'll see you tomorrow at eight?" I ask with a smile, he nods and then exits the room.

As soon as the front door closes again Justin springs off the ground staring at me. I sigh with relief, "You've got to be more careful next time!" I tease, he gives me a 'what the hell?' look only making me laugh even harder.

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