Chapter Twelve: its not all Fun and Games

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As we step out of the car I had already felt a bit tipsy, my stomach was filled with butterflies and I had a full blown beer blush going on. I won't lie, it felt nice. We were once again engulfed in flashes and screams but this time around we actually posed for the pictures. We didn't stay long however, instead we blew kisses and walked right past the line. As we reach the bouncer we do our usual 'kiss kiss' on either sides of his face and said our hellos. His name was Jamie and he's been a close friend of mine for as long as I can remember, it helps to have connections with people id see so often so naturally one night as I was entering the club I introduced myself. Needless to say, I'll never have to wait outside again- not that I needed to anyways but still!

As we enter through the two golden doors you could instantly feel the base rattling through our bodies. Butterflies spread through my body like electric bolts and a smile beams across my face. I'm quickly lead across the floor and through the crowds of grinding and sweating bodies. I forgot how repulsive it was outside of the V.I.P rooms so as you could assume I waste no time retreating towards the backstage. "Ariana? Is that you?" Greg, another bouncer, asked filled with shock. I roll my eyes before laughing lightly and pulling him into a hug. "It's been months! I thought you might have actually died or something!"

I laugh before pulling back and shaking my head over dramatically, I lean in and yell over the music so he could hear me, "For a moment I did! Don't worry, I'm back now!" I pull back completely and give a flirty kiss before he chuckles and pulls back the velvet ropes. Just as me and Elizabeth start up the stairs we're pulled back by one of the undercover papz calling us out and asking for a picture. I shrug and agree, pulling in Elizabeth and Greg close so we could all pose. I plant a kiss on Gregs cheek and change poses multiple times for each picture. Soon, however, I grew bored and turned entering the V.I.P room quickly.

"Can't wait to see the next headline using those photos tomorrow," El laughs before grabbing a bottle of Champagne from the bar and putting down her Golden credit card, "She's probably pissing her pants right now wondering what we're doing."

I laugh before rolling my eyes and grabbing two glasses after they were filled up with the bubbly, we walk quickly towards our usual spots right behind where the DJ plays. Once we arrived in our spot we hear a million chimes and say hello to all the usual people. They all ask the same things; where have I been, if me and Harry are real, and blah blah blah. I'd answer the same thing every time it was repeated as well as taking a drink with each time it was asked. Eventually, after going through every person possible we decided it was time to dance. It wasn't until we exited the exclusive area that I realized just how hammered I truly was.

It was the perfect buzz; I was barely slurring, I was lightly swaying and I was also one drink away from blacking out. Like I said, It was the perfect buzz. Soon enough we were lost in the crowd, dancing together to the music with lights and lasers flashing around us. The room suddenly began to spin and my stomach began to churn, I forgot how overwhelming all of this truly was.

I come to a halt and hold my head as I look around, Elizabeth was no where to be found and the room only got worse. The crowd only grew bigger and more cramped then before. I look around repulsed by the sight of sweaty bodies pressing against each other moving to the music... The music... Where did it go? The music was suddenly drained out by a ringing in my head. This wasn't right, something was wrong. Was there something in my drink? Had someone drugged me?

I soon began to trudge my way over towards the VIP room. I finally make it in after what feels like forever but find myself in an empty room. Fuck, fuck, fuck! How could this happen? Who would even do such a thing? My mind goes blank as my phone begins to vibrate and the familiar name flashes across caller ID; Harry.

Normally I'd ignore it or stage an 'accidental pick up' but I was beyond desperate. "H..Harry! Thank god... Pl..please, something's wrong... I'm at the Gorillas Den, please.. Help!" I didn't recognize my voice as my vision began to blur out and my words became unheard. Everything goes black: The voices, the music, my vision... Everything's completely gone.


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