Chapter Thirteen: Sunlight

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((;Warning; The following chapter can be depressing, frustrating and could trigger you.;))

The moment I become slightly conscious I already felt a million times heavier. I wasn't complaining though, I was pleased to know I could feel my body. The backs of my closed eyelids burned, yet I struggled to open them. That's when I finally remembered. I remember the previous night with a heavy heart that painfully leapt. What happened after I blacked out?

I force my eyelids open and find myself staring at the unfamiliar white ceiling of an unknown room. Was I at Liz's new house? Maybe in the guest room? Oh god, please let me be safe. I lower my gaze to the wall directly in front of me to see a figure sitting on the edge of the bed that seems oddly recognizable.

"Fuck..." He whispers, holding his head within his hands. His back was turned away from me but I didn't need to see him to know he was upset over something.

I slowly sit up, the silk sheets folding on my lap as I shift stances and a pain instantly pulses through my head. I bring a hand against my forehead as if to suck the pain away, but only find it hurt even more. I open my mouth, trying to identify the stranger but instead hear only a pathetic shrill cry that ached within my throat. I sounded just as I felt.

The man turned around, his green eyes piercing through mine, "Feeling better?" His voice was cold and distant before I finally recognize that thick accent and deep voice. It was Harry.

"Yeah... I'll survive," My voice was unidentifiable, this voice was weak and dead. It wasn't like my own, the happy and flirty one had died. Before me sat him, the man who had crossed my barrier. There sat the man that broke me. I break gazes with him and look down at my fiddling thumbs.

Silence fills the room as I hear him shuffle towards the door, he opens it but doesn't step out. Instead he stands there, staring at his shoes as I stare at the back of his white shirt. He turns his head once more, his eyes just peaking over his shoulder and pierced through me. "How stupid could you be?"

I furrow my eyebrows as my heart sinks to my toes, "Excuse me?" He doesn't reply, he just walks out and slams the door behind him. He's angry? Why the hell was he angry? It's not like it's his life! My blood began to boil as I push myself up. My whole body aches as I stand for a while, before I step in front of a mirror. I turn my attention hesitantly, as if afraid to see my reflection. My eyes widen as my mouth gapes open, He fucking changed me? My cheeks flush a deep red before I got the fuel I needed.

I burst through the door and stomp towards the staircase, "Harry!" I scream, "Where the hell are you?" I run down the staircase only to hear the shower running. I stand in front of the door, ready to pound on the door but am stopped in my tracks as the door swings open revealing a familiar chest. I look up slowly before a flush crosses my face once more, he raises an eyebrow. His scowl still present, he pushes me aside before walking towards the living room.

"Hey! I was trying to talk to you!" I call behind him as he sends a cold look over his shoulder.

"Get in the bath, We'll talk when you're out," he turns back around and continues walking not giving me a chance to reply. I let out a frustrated sigh before following orders. To be fair I do reek of day old alcohol and I feel completely repulsive, but just because I'm following what he said doesn't mean I'm not still pissed off at him! I sigh before stripping out of his button up dress shirt, my underwear following as I step into the bath.

The water was perfect, it wasn't scolding hot but it wasn't ice cold either. It was perfectly warm, with a rose scented steam coming off of it with each movement I made. There were small bubbles floating around and candles everywhere. My stomach began to churn as I thought of who he must have these saved for Her. I move my knees to my chest before wrapping my arms around them. I rest my chin against them and lower my eyes to my painted toes.

And that's when it hit me. Where did it all go wrong? When did I begin to care? When did my heart break like this? I began to hear drops hitting the water. Drip-drop, Drip-Drop

I open my eyes, suddenly fully aware of myself. I was crying. I, Ariana, was... Crying? I began to sniffle, and attempted to hold them back like I had a million times before before realizing I wasn't in control. I couldn't stop the tears, I couldn't stop my heart shattering. I couldn't control anything in my life.

I allow myself to cry until I can't cry anymore. Once I'm all dried out, I wash what's needed and quickly get out. Once I drain the tub and dry myself off, I look around for clothes. Of course that idiot didn't bring me clothes in! I scowl before tying the towel together so it wouldn't slip off and tie my hair into a high messy bun.

I crack the door, allowing the cool air to hit me, sending a shiver rushing through my body. "Harry!" I call out, but receive no reply. "Harry! You forgot to bring me-"

"Here." I jump back, startled at the plastic bag that fell in front of me. I shoot a glare towards him but he was already gone. I let out a frustrated sigh before picking up the bag and shutting the door after stepping into the warm and steamy bathroom once more. Inside the royal purple plastic bag was a flannel long sleeve dress that was red and black, it came with a dark brown belt that goes just before the ribs and stopped mid thigh. The skirt flowed out just as a skater skirt did except with more volume and though it wasn't my usual style I had to give him props for not making me repulsed.

I pull it out and realize that he also bought me a pair of black lace underwear and a matching bra. Normally, I'd be mad but at this moment I appreciated it. I adjust the outfit after slipping everything on and decide to not bother with my hair. I wash and wipe my face off before studying it in the mirror.

I stare into my eyes before mentally preparing myself. You're angry, you're outraged. It's not okay, he's an asshole; remember that! I suck in a deep breath and turn quickly on my heels. I step out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me and quietly walk towards the living room. As I step out of the hallway I instantly see him.

Despite my knowing that I shouldn't feel it, I found my heart skip a beat. He was sitting on the couch, his eyebrows were knitted together as he read from a royal blue book with gold cursive covered rim.

If I didn't hate him I would have thought this was cute and charming, but I did hate him so it wasn't. "You didn't have to buy me these."

My voice shocked him as he ripped his eyes from the page. "Yes I did." I open my mouth to protest but am I interrupted by the slamming of his book cover against the rest, "Your dress was covered in liquor and it's wet from the rain."

"Oh," was all I could manage to say about it. Silence falls over us, and it was bone crushingly agonizing. "Where's my car?"

"Back at that shithole of a pub," he practically spat the words off his tongue like it was poison, "How could you even stand to sit in there? It's repulsive."

"First off it's a club, not a pub and second off my friends are there. And last off, it's not like you care so stop acting as if you do. I'm going in there, not you."

He shoots me a cold and stern stare before standing up and storming toward the hallway. "Hey! Why do you always do that? Stop storming off like this, you don't have a right to be mad!" I run after him and grab his arm only for him to shove me off. I stare in disbelief as he only glares with fury. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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