Chapter Nine: Oink Oink

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"Harry! Ariana! is it true you two are official?" A pap yells towards us, I blush slightly as we continue to push past and hurry inside. I let out a sigh of relief a bit to soon as I get closer to the door.

Just moments away from the door I feel a sharp pain on my forearm followed by being yanked back into the crowd. I fall down and literally get attacked by screaming angry fan girls.

"You don't deserve Harry, you slut!" One girl yelled, yanking my hair, I let out a yelp of pain and close my eyes trying to keep the tears from streaming out: I failed.

"Harry doesn't really like you, No one does!"

I feel myself get pulled up and look up to see Harry frowning at me, my lip starts to quiver as I burst into tears, they were right I didn't deserve him. You know what I've done to him.

But still...

"Kill yourself!" a girl screams, throwing a bottle of bleach at my feet, I hold onto Harry's coat clutching tightly on his chest area as I cried, "C-can we just hurry up and go inside..."

"Sure..." he moves and wraps his arm around my waist and starts to walk me towards the doors, cameras flash as they take a million photos of us while we walk. He suddenly stops in his tracks grabbing my hand, I turn back and look surprised, "J-just ignore it... let's go.." I give a weak smile as he shakes his head and glares at the previous attackers.

"You should be ashamed! Ariana's my girlfriend, a girl I care about very much. and if you guys truly did care about me, you wouldn't hurt her!" I squeal and stumble a bit as he pulls me forcefully and smashes his lips against mine, my eyes widening instantly.

I blush and stand frozen in shock as he pulls away and chuckles, he leans down to my ear and whispers softly, "What happened? Shy all of a sudden?"

I blush even harder and playfully push him backwards while grabbing his hand as I smile brightly, "Can we go? I think the paps have seen enough.."

He nods and leads me towards the door, opening it widely and holding it open for me, I smile and thank him as I walk in waiting for him to come in, I grab his hand and run inside.

I smile at him and stand there awkwardly as people talk to him about the album and his latest single. I look around and bite my lip as I see Justin glaring the fuck out of me, Shit! he's coming over here!

"H-hey babe! u-uh I'm gonna go get a drink... you want one?" I smile softly as he nods, "Sure, you want me to come with?"

I look over and see Justin's seconds away and shake my head quickly, "Nah, I think I'll be okay! be back!" I smile at Harry and kiss him on the cheek before rushing towards the drink line.

"Two please!" I smile as they hand me two glasses filled with champagne, "Thank you!" I smile softly and leave a tip for the bartender as I walk back towards Harry and Justin who were talking.

I take a deep breath and walk up to them smiling, I hand Harry his glass and hold his hand smiling up at him. Getting a warm smile back, once again filling my whole chest with butterflies.

I look over at Justin and smile holding Harry's hand, "Oh! I didn't know you were here!"

"Yeah, you look great!" he says through gritted teeth, I thank him and take a sip of the champagne. Looking around and avoiding eye contact with Justin.

"So, I have to go speak with Simon really fast, I'll find you after?" Harry asks smiling, I wanted to shake my head and scream 'don't leave me with him!' but instead smile widely and nodded, "Sounds good!"

He smiles and pecks my lips before quickly walking towards Simon leaving me smiling widely, that is until I turned to Justin, who was scowling.

I frown and take another sip, waiting for him to scream at me or call me something horrible, "Why haven't you been texting me back?"

"I've been busy with Harry," I take another sip and look over watching as Harry jokes with the boys and Simon, making me smile, "I really like him.."


Justin scoffs, I look over and glare at him, "What?"

"You don't like him! c'mon!" he starts to laugh, anger boiling over me, "Excuse me? I actually like him a lot!"

"Yeah, just like you 'really liked Nathan' or 'Jai'? He's not gonna keep you satisfied and you know it! You're going to get bored and you know it! You always do!" he starts to walk towards me pulling my towards him by the waist but I push him away, suddenly utterly repulsed.

"Fuck you!" I scream throwing my drink in his face, "Why are you such a pig?!"

Everyone stares, holding their breath for his response, "Whatever bitch!" he screams storming out of the building quickly, I look around and blush awkwardly as I notice everyone staring.

Great impressions Ariana, bet you're glad you came to this party huh?

"Babe, are you okay? I saw that, what happened?"

I sigh and shake my head, "Nothing, don't worry about it.. I'm gonna start heading home okay?"

"What? no!" he frowns, making me sigh and shake my head, "Babe... please stay..."

Before I could answer I hear a squeal followed by Kendal Jenner hugging him tightly, "Hey sexy!" she giggles and kisses his cheek, my jaw dropping.

"I think you'll be fine without me here, 'sexy'" I scoff and storm off, ignoring Harry calling from behind me.

As I burst through the doors rain showers down over me, "Great!" I scream frustrated, paps swarming me.

I could barely push through, making me angry I take off my heels and carry them, pushing through running towards home, I ran as fast as I could, people clearly getting pictures and noticing that it was Ariana Grande running barefoot in the streets at midnight.

As I finally make it at my house I was completely soaked, looking like a hot mess and couldn't help but notice I lost a heel, "Are you fucking- SERIOUSLY?!" I scream getting angry, I unlock the door and get inside dropping my remaining heel and walk upstairs and down the hall into my bedroom.

I quickly grab Harry's oversized shirt that he left along with a pair of sweats and walk into the bathroom, getting into the warm shower and washing myself thoroughly, my hair smelt like coconut along with my vanilla body wash, I finish up and dry myself off changing quickly, braiding my hair I slip my slippers on and walk into my bedroom, slightly disappointed it was empty.

I sigh and walk towards the bed but scream as I get pinned against the wall forcefully by...

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