11. 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐

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"Come onn, wake uppppp~"


"Heyyy, wake uppp"

I could feel my cheeks being poked.

"Hey! You're awake aren't you!?" The voice who said that was very familiar to me, so I began trying to open my eyes.

The first thing I saw was a hand on one of my cheeks, they were about to pull it before I pull my head away.

"Oh! You're finally awake!" The familiar voice of Hu Tao spoke as I saw her face bright up as she looked in my eyes, I look around to see where I was and what was Tao doing before I woke up.

"Don't move too much for now, look at your own body, what the hell were you doing yesterday?" Hu Tao said right before I felt a sudden pain on my chest, and I realize that my chest had been patched up with bandages, as well as my arms, my right hand and one of my legs.

I look around, I was in a room I couldn't recognize, however I was confident in saying this was Hu Tao's room as there were multiple very odd decorations around the walls, and a few paintings looked like they came from the bottom of the ocean or something.

The room however was very lively due to the presence of the girl, who seemed to brighten up the whole place due to the sunlight coming from a single window that showed me the outside.

"So, you're gonna say something or...?" She says, reminding me that I hadn't spoken since I woke up, "Oh, yeah, sorry" I sit on the bed, and I look at Tao, "How long have I been here for?" "Um, let me count... Two weeks?" Hu Tao spoke as I had been filled with shock. "What? I have been here for that long?" I almost stood up, but Hu Tao held me on the bed, "I'm joking! Calm down! You've been here since yesterday!" She says rapidly in an attempt to calm me down.

"Oh" I say as I stop moving around, "That's better, I guess" I say, looking at my own body and the bandages around it, "Why am I here of all places?" I ask the girl, who grinned slightly, "No clue, Mr.Zhongli just found you laying on the ground near the parlor and took you in" She says, and I began remembering the events that took place before I passed out.

'Did Xiao leave me with Zhongli? Maybe something happened and he couldn't bring me around for too long... What a failure I am huh?'


'I need to leave this place'

"Hey, I know what you're thinking, you can't leave yet! You're still healing, you dum-dun dom-don!" She says while pointing at my bandages, "What does that even mean..." I say, surprised she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Now that you've been made aware of your situation, can you please explain how the hell did you end up like that?" She said, I looked to the side in instinct, "...I got into a fight, and I lost" I say as I remember the fight.

You're scared!

'I'm not scared...'

"A fight? I thought you had fallen off of the top of a mountain while fighting a dragon or something with those injuries" She said jokingly. "...By any chance, did you see a guy with black and green hair, really short? His name is Xiao, he helped me escape from the fight" I say as Tao's eyes are filled with shock for a second, but go back to her usual state a few seconds later.

"Xiao? You mean, THE Xiao? I didn't see him but he helped you?" Hu Tao said, as she tried to understand the situation, "Yeah? Do you know him?" I say as I began to think that maybe Xiao is a celebrity or something, "I... do, but you don't know who he is?" She asked me as a smile slowly formed on her face, "I've met him on Wangshu Inn, and I thought he was something like a guardian of that area" I say, as Tao giggled.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now