35. 𝚃𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎

288 17 13

"La La La... La La~"

The brown-haired girl hummed to herself, as she unlocked the door to her house.

"Woo~, seems like today won't be too fun to spend alone... Maybe Xiangling has nothing to do...? Well, if the scary waitress isn't there today, maybe I'll go bother her a little."

Hu Tao spoke to herself, as she entered the house. Her life had turned back to normal, which, to her, was extremely boring.

"sigh... I miss Y/N. Oh! Speaking of, where's my little butterfly? Oh, I can hear you Papilla! I can hear you!"

The girl spoke cheerfully, referring to the ice sculpture Y/N had gifted her before leaving. She was taking care of it very dearly, even if it didn't melt! Still, to see it she just had to open the door to her room.


The keys she had been holding fell to the ground. Her mind went into a panic. She wasn't ready for this again. No. No No No No No.

Not again. Not again. Not again.

I'm not ready.


She panicked more and more as she looked at the ice sculpture.

It was melting.


"For this to work, the Resistance needs to emerge victorious."

Promptly after he said so, Ayaka watched as Y/N gave her a subtle glance, before jumping off the hill they were on. She ran after, but she couldn't catch sight of him falling.

"... He's gone..."

She mumbled, now placing her gaze upward, watching the Resistance march towards Inazuma City.

- ...What... What do I do...? -

Thoughts entered her mind. Could she really trust Y/N's plan? If it went wrong, then the entirety of the Watatsumi Soldiers would meet their demise today. Worse, perhaps even the innocent civilians from the island could receive punishment.


But even so, there was nothing she could do to stop it now.

She took a look at the Resistance's army, with General Gorou in front, and caught sight of Swordfish II, being led by Aether.

So, the only thing she could do was place her trust in Y/N.

"... They need to know."


Shinobu rushed forward, blocking an arrow with her sword before striking it against the soldier who shot the said arrow.

"Today is the day we end this bloodshed!"

She took a look at her surroundings, as the members of Swordfish II were currently battling against the Shogunate. Aether had been taking the frontlines head-on, meanwhile the rest were working on making their way forward.

"Today, we will end the Vision Hunt Decree! Today, we take back our peace!"

The woman remembered General Gorou's speech, which he had said right before they started marching towards Inazuma City. Currently, she was fighting against the Shogunate, but a sudden figure in the corner of her sight caught her eye.

"Huh? Ayaka!? You're back?"

In the distance, she saw the girl rush toward her group. After catching up, she noticed the girl's distraught yet determined face. Her eyes had a polished glint, as she held her sword fiercely.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now