30. 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚎

286 18 3

"...Either way, where is he?"

Y/N calmly asked as he helped Kazuha get back on his feet.

- He... He doesn't know? -

Kazuha's face darkened as he heard Y/N's words, his gaze falling to the ground while the sounds of the crowd cheering seemed to be damped by the loud ringing in his ears.

"Oh well, we should talk later."

Y/N said, noticing Paimon and Aether walking in their direction, while Kazuha struggled to maintain a normal expression.

"Murasaki! You won!"

Paimon exclaimed loudly, as she floated in the woman's direction, while the blonde walked with a small smile on his face.

"Congratulations. We should make the podium stuff soon. Kazuha, are you good or do you need healing?"

Aether said before Kazuha shook his head. "There's no need. I'm not hurt." He said, as more of the crowd gathered around the group, but they kept a comfortable distance.

- Now that I think about it, Kazuha wasn't knocked out, nor did he surrender. Still, everyone seems to agree he lost. -

Aether noticed as the group began to walk away.



Y/N mumbled as he rested on his bed.

"This tournament stuff took so long... And Paimon really managed to spend so long with the 'awards', too..."

After lying for around half a minute on her bed, a knock could be heard coming from the door of the room.

- Oh come on... -

The male grumbled, as he rolled out of bed, and stood up with an annoyed expression on his face, which quickly relaxed after he took a deep breath.

He took the mask from the table and placed it on.


Murasaki said, as her voice was now that of a woman, and opened the door, noticing Kazuha on the other side.

"Oh, it's you. You should have a lot of questions, right?"

"Indeed I do... Are you going to answer them?"

Kazuha slowly entered the room, as they were in the small hut that Kokomi let Y/N live in for some time.

"Surprisingly... messy."

Kazuha pointed out, since most of the place was disorganized, with clothes being scattered around the room, on the bed, on some chairs, the bed being an absolute mess, a few empty plates of food left on the table, and some paper sheets on the floor.

"Sorry about that."

Y/N mumbled as he took off his mask, and his voice went back to normal.

"...How does that even work?"

Kazuha asked Y/N, noticing the sudden shift in voice as he took off the mask.

"A friend of mine made it. It's incredibly useful, especially here."

Y/N said, while carefully letting the mask on the table, and grabbing a small bottle filled with a strange liquid.

He then let a single drop of the liquid onto each of his eyes, as Kazuha watched the faint purple color from his pupils become a strong purple, while small electro particles came out of it.

"I can't really explain this one to you."

Y/N said, blinking repeatedly as he adjusted himself to the weird feeling in his eyelids.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now