27. 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚜

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"That was incredible, Murasaki! You're so strong!" Yoimiya's cheerful voice brought the black haired back to reality, as she sat down besides the blonde.

"...Oh. Thanks." She said, sheepishly, while averting the girl's gaze. "Like, Itto came at you with his club like 'GAH!' And you just stood there and caught it with your hands! How are you so strong!?" Yoimiya exclaimed loudly, motioning the events of the battle with her arms and face.

"Erm... I train since I was a kid." Murasaki said, stumbling on her words as she attempted to explain without giving herself away.

She awkwardly hid her arms, as she didn't want the girl to look at it for too long.

"Oooooh... And you didn't need to use your vision, like you said!" Yoimiya pointed out, as Murasaki turned her head to face other Vision Holders.

Ayaka and Kazuha were having light chatter, meanwhile Kuki was petting Itto's head as he grumbled in pain, a purple lightning circle around his chest.

"Nothing unusual." Murasaki said out loud, as she watched the other's interactions.

"Oh, so you don't use your vision frequently?" The blonde asked, as Murasaki turned back to face her.

"Um, yeah, I guess not..." She answered, as she struggled to make out a natural answer.

- I wasn't answering her... -

"Hey, they're getting ready!"

Murasaki's gaze turned back to the arena, as both the beige haired girl and the blonde traveler stood side by side, entering the main arena.

Sayu had picked a large wooden claymore, similar to the one she carried around with her. While it was smaller than normal claymores, it was still quite larger than the girl herself.

- How does she even carry that? She doesn't look too strong. Is it her vision, then? -

Murasaki thought as she glanced at the sleepy girl, who yawned before turning around to face the blonde traveler.

The black haired woman's gaze now shifted over to face Aether, who carried a normal wooden long sword, similar to the one she herself had used in her previous duel, before it broke into pieces.

He had his usual neutral expression on his eyes. While to others he seemed quiet, calm and to a untrained eyes perhaps even shy, in Murasaki's mind, it seemed he was great at hiding his own emotions.

- ... The usual blank stare. I know that one. -

She thought while Paimon took her place as the judge, floating in the middle of the arena.

- It takes one to recognize the other, after all... -

"Are you two ready?" Paimon asked the two. Aether nodded, and Sayu slowly did as well, a few moments after him.

"Then, three... two... one... START!" Paimon yelled loudly, before floating away, as the two stared at each other, analyzing the other's movements before the Traveler soon launched himself forward, doing a series of attacks towards Sayu.

The girl answered by swiftly dodging the attacks, a breeze passing by the arena as she took the wind within her steps, avoiding the male's attacks.

She showed multiple similar movements throughout the fight, but she was unable to land a hit on Aether, who simply kept up the large wave of attacks back to back.

"He has good stamina." Murasaki pointed out, as to which Yoimiya nodded.

- ... Although I'm surprised by Sayu... I didn't think she'd actually try to win... -

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now