19. 𝙰𝚜 𝙲𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍

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Being stabbed to death is not a great chance to redeem yourself.

Thankfully, I had been given a second chance.


Yawning loudly, a man with bright brown hair had just gotten up from bed, streching before standing up.

He yawned once more, adjusting his eyes to the sunlight that came right into his face, apparently he had left his curtains open last night.

"Wow. Seems like last night took a toll on me..." He mutters to no one, as he takes a look at the mirror, his bright green eyes showing his reflection on the glass, his hair was extremely messy, but he didn't mind it as he left his bedroom, closing the door after leaving.

The mansion he lived in was extremely clean, it was clearly an Inazuman architecture, the white walls and exquisite furniture almost blinding a normal man due to its shine, however to him it almost seemed as a mere decoration. The house showed the amount of riches his family had, belonging to the higher class of society.

"Good morning, Lord Yurei." A blonde maid welcomed him as he left his room, she smiled, however he could tell it was fake, but paid no mind to it, as it was her job to be friendly.

"Oh, good morning. Did father say anything today?" Yurei said, as he walked forward torwards the kitchen, he didn't call her by her name as he had completely forgotten it, ignoring the plates of food the maids had made for him, and simply taking a slice of bread as he wasn't hungry enough to eat that much food.

"I'm afraid not. He simply left as he had to take care of your brother." She said, as she decided to stay in the kitchen and throw the breakfast away, as they were not allowed to eat leftovers or give them to other people.

- Geez. Is Shirei's condition that bad? Hadn't he left him with that doctor already? -

"Whatever. I'll leave to kill some time." Yurei said, as he headed to his bedroom. Once there, he opened his wardrobe, which was full of expensive looking clothes, and took off a case, which stored a long sword and its sheath, both of which he took out and placed it on his belt.

He placed other clothes in, as he didn't feel the need to place any armor, or to take a bath, he would do so when he came back.

After ignoring some of the maid's advices and words, he left the house, observing the beauty of Mondstadt, he quickly walked away, heading to the outer of the city.

- Still, they really didn't even talk to me these past weeks. Well, I can't complain about not being the favorite child... -

While the relationship between his parents wasn't the greatest, he could still notice the love they had for each other, ever since his brother had gotten a disease, his father and mother had apparently made up as they took care of him.

- Yet when I get sick they pay no mind. -

"Ah! Yurei-sama! It's great to see you this morning!" Said a beautiful black haired girl, who wore a red shirt with a silver chestplate on top, the symbol of the Knights of Favonius on her chest. "Once again, my thanks for dealing with those Treasure Hoarders yesterday." She said, before bowing down to him. "It was nothing, Bren. Mondstadt is my home, so of course I'd like to protect it." He said, while pretending to be interested in the conversation.

Looking at her neck, he couldn't help but have intrusive thoughts pass in.

- Don't let her fool you. Aren't you curious about how her blood tastes like...? - He immediately shaked these thoughts away from his mind.

- Stop. And blood probably tastes terrible anyways. -

"Still, is there anything I could do to pay back the favor? As another Knight of Favonius, I can't let you do that without a reward." Bren said, as she looked at him in his eyes. "I can bring you to a merchant, he owes me a few crates of the finest wines. He should be near the Dawn Winery right now." She said, and he was indeed interested in the bottles.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now