14. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝

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The wind flew by as delicate steps made their way through the grass. The short black hair spread out in the air revealing a single purple lock of hair in the midst of the strands of hair.

"Ah...! This is heavier than I thought..." The soft voice of the hair's owner could be heard as he walked quickly towards a small cabin in the distance, on top of the high up above peaks of Liyue in his sight as he carried a wooden box in his arms.

"Uh... This is the worst part... H-here I go..." His voice faltered as he placed his gaze on the beggining of the stairway that led to the top of the mountain. After taking a deep breath, he slowly began to make his way up, each slow step being placed carefully due to his fear of slipping and falling down.

He panted and huffed as he finally reached the end of the seemingly endless stairway, his legs begging for rest as he finally placed the box down on the ground, and he sat on top of it.

"I h-hate this... these experiments need to be so high up..." He spoke weakly as he caught his breath once again. Soon after, he stood up once again, as his body seemingly was back to its full energy, and his legs tingling as there was this instinct inside him not allowing him to stay still for so long.

Walking quickly, he entered the cabin, which had its floor filled with machinery parts, metal scrap and wires. He made his way to a wooden table, glancing over at was on top of it.

"So beautiful... Hopefully it works now..." He quickly grabbed the item on top of it, which was something similar to a glider, however the large metal tubes across it and the seemingly mechanical feathers on place of the normal ones indicated something more to it.

He brought the box inside and took out a few items from it, his hands were surrounded with purple lightning and the room was illuminated purple as the electro vision on his bracelet glowed.

A few moments later, he held the metal glider on his hands, and glanced over at a notebook, and flipped a few of its pages, revealing pages full of math equations and calculus, and upon confirming it, he headed outside once again.

His heart palpitated as he walked to the edge of the peak. "I'm... nervous..." He mumbled to himself as he slowly put on the glider on his arms.

'If anything goes wrong, I have my normal glider but... still... so scary...' He thought as he looked over at the world down below. He took a moment as he took a few deep breaths, before quickly running forward and leaping off the cliff.

"AAHH!" He yelled as he jumped, his electro energy swiftly making it's way to the glider on his back, allowing it to carry him forward.

"It's working!" He said in surprise as he began to go upwards, he quickly adjusted himself to fly as he ignored the feeling on his stomach. Immediately after, he took a left and flew up, the glider allowing him to go forward, even making a hole in a cloud.

"Ha... HAHA! It's working! YEAH!" He congratulated himself as he soon encountered an obstacle, he wasn't able to control his path enough as he flew right into a wooden bridge that connected two peaks. "Oh no... Oh no no no!" He attempted to dive down however the tip of the glider came into contact with the wooden planks, breaking a piece off and causing him to lose height at a worrying speed.

"No no no! I can't... control it...!" His arms were too busy to be able to grab the normal glider, making him quickly go towards a mountain in his path. "I-is this how I go?" He uttered his final words and closed his eyes, accepting his demise.

'At least... it worked...'


However he soon felt his body being pulled with a lot of strength, he quickly opened his eyes to find out he was somehow still alive. "...What?"

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now