25. 𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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A loud sigh came out of Y/N's mouth, as he closed the door after he exited the room.

"Whatever." He mumbled, before turning around, and was met by two vision holders he saw yesterday.

"Hey. Murasaki, right?" The one who spoke was apparently Kuki Shinobu, she had green hair and purple eyes. She wore a black mask covering her nose and mouth, similar to the one he wore right now.

She gave Murasaki a small wave and a friendly smile, or at least it was implied she did, as she had her mask on.

"Yes. You're Kuki, right? And... Uh... Eto?" Murasaki spoke, as she looked at the muscular man besides Kuki, who seemed to be irritated at her words. Murasaki's voice was slow and weak, and her words didn't carry much weight. By her appearance and demeanor, it'd be understandable if someone mistook her for a normal friendly civilian.

"It's Arataki Itto! The one and oni!" He pointed a finger at himself, as he seemed to be shocked at her mistake. He then turned his head around, and pouted away.

"Hmph!" He looked away, while Kuki gave him a weird glance.

- Tsundere? He's too big for that type of attitude. -

Murasaki stared at the red horns on top of his head. "Oh. I guess I forgot." She said, in a weak tone, while placing a hand on her chin.

"Right. Either way, have any of you seen that Aether guy? Kokomi wanted to speak with him." Murasaki said, as she glanced at the door she just went by, which led to the room where Kokomi was using as an office, apparently.

Hearing Aether's name, Itto quickly looked back at Murasaki, suddenly out of his tsundere attitude.

"My man Aether? He just walked right past us! He can't be far... Oh wow she's gone already." Itto said, turning around his head to see behind him, and when he turned back to face Murasaki she had already dissapeared from her spot.

"Is it my impression or are you not too fond of her?" Kuki asked Itto, as they resumed their walk around Yashiori's campsite. "She reminds me of the Kujou Tengu! Speaking of, I didn't get to fight her yesterday! That was the perfect chance! No one steals my vision and walks away like that! I'll find her and challen-" "Yeah, sure dude." Kuki ignored him, walking past the Oni as he kept rambling about Kujou Sara.


"...There he is. He dissapears out of nowhere sometimes." Murasaki said, as she located Aether and Paimon in the distance. "Hey. You two." She gave a friendly wave at the two, causing them to turn around. "Oh, Murasaki! You're here! Where did you go yesterday? You just dissapeared!" Paimon asked, as she gave a small smile, but still confused.

"Erm, about that... I kind of saw a big boat in the distance. I thought it belonged to enemies, so I went to it. Turns out it was Beidou's ship. I joined them, and now I'm here." She lied with a smile, as she pointed to herself.

"Ohh... But you could've asked for help, if they really were enemies, you know? Not to brag, but we are legendary travelers!" "I am, Paimon is emergency food." Paimon spoke, but was interrupted by Aether, as he gave a small smirk towards the floating girl. "That joke has gotten old already!" She threw her arms to the air, facing Aether with an irritated expression.

Murasaki faked a small giggle, as she placed her hand in front of her mouth. "Not you too... Ugh. Paimon's done." Paimon said, and proceeded to float upwards, staying above the two of us, crossing her arms and looking away.

"It's quite... easy to irritate her, hm?" Murasaki said, smiling cheerfully, and the Traveler nodded.

"Oh, right! I forgot, silly me. So, Kokomi sent me to fetch you two to her! She wanted to see you two for something. Apparently it's important." The woman spoke, as she placed a hand in her long black hair, and began tying up her hair to make a ponytail.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now