20. 𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚡 𝚘𝚏 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎

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"So, I assume you all don't have much of a plan?" Jinhua spoke loudly, bringing the attention of all those present in the Jade Chamber to her.

She had flew over to the Jade Chamber, and quickly switched to her human form, her golden armor shining brightly as she stared at the army of sea serpents in the ocean.

Surrounding her were members of the Liyue Qixing, such as Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu, as well as the Adepti Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and the Vigilant Yaksha.

"The Overlord of Vortex has been placed under control of the Fatui Harbinger Diamond..." Said Ganyu, as she watched the god Osial be placed in chains which were being held by Diamond, before the chains dissapeared, however it seemed the control over the god was still in the Harbinger's hands.

"Huh? Who are you?" Said a small girl who floated in the air, she had silver hair and it seemed that stars followed her trail. She floated beside a blonde haired man, who looked at Jinhua confusedly.

"The shifting beast is here, then one assumes that the human Y/N must be coming as well." Cloud Retainer spoke, as she seemed to be wary of Jinhua's actions. "Do not call me by that name, Adeptus. My name is Jinhua. We have no time for silly chats." She introduced herself, right before looking at the God in the ocean.

"Hmph. Anyhow, one here knows how to tinker with the Guizhong Ballista, the combined forces of the Adepti must be enough to take down this army of revived gods." Cloud Retainer said, as Ningguang stepped forward. "Yet, we have to concentrate our forces on the two leaders, Osial and Beisht, his wife. Which still leaves the army below." She added.

"As well as the Harbinger in control." Said a voice who just appeared, Jinhua turned as she recognized the voice to be that of Y/N's. "We'll take care of him. You all can take care of the rest." He said, his gaze being completely focused on Diamond, who had been sitting on top of the God's water body, he apparently was waiting for them to take the iniciative.

"Another one? And he came ordering around, too..." The silver haired girl spoke again, as she looked at Y/N, meanwhile the blonde stayed silent.

"I'll take care of the army. Ganyu, provide me with support." Xiao said, as he looked at Ganyu, who nodded. "I'll try my best to help." She said, as Ningguang suddenly teleported on top of the roof, using her vision to summon a large platform for the Guizhong Ballistas to stay in, before summoning those as well.

A loud sound of a cannon being shot struck the place as a large amount of energy hit the Overlord of the Vortex, looking for a second at the cause, they could see Hu Tao, from the top of a mountain after she shot an attack at the god.

"What a powerful attack..." Ganyu said, before Xiao teleported with her to somewhere else.

The damage was enough to cause an explosion on Osial, who seemed to have been affected by the attack.

"I'm ready, Y/N!" He could hear her voice on the earphone he was using. "Good. Stay safe, please." He muttered.

Soon after, the three Adepti remaining took their places on top of the Ballistas, charging them up as they prepared to attack the gods. "The Fatui! Of course they appear right here!" The silver haired girl spoke, as Keqing and the Blonde ran forward to protect the Ballistas.

As all took their places on the battle, Y/N sent a glance at Jinhua, who had transformed in her giant bird form. He stood on top of her body as she flew off towards the Harbinger.

"You ready...?" He asked, as the bird soared through the heavy clouds to approach the Harbinger. "Hmph. Of course! Remember, if you stray in danger, hide behind me. I'll protect you." She said, as they watched Diamond leap down into the ocean, apparently he wanted to fight on the surface.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now