12. 𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚑

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I had left Hu Tao's house before she woke up. From what I knew of her sleeping habits, I could take a few hours before she woke up so it's fine.

My injuries were mostly healed, there was almost no pain when I walked, I should be able to get a few commissions done.

I slowly walked towards the Adventurer's Guild.

'I need to go back... but how?'

The sound of people talking reached my ears as I walked on a small bridge near the Parlor, the Adventurer's Guild wasn't far, however I was walking slowly, looking at the scenery around Liyue and all the people walking around me.

'A raft wouldn't work twice... I was saved by Beidou that time... That's it! Beidou! I should find her!' I suddenly had an idea as I walked. 'I'll ask Katherine about her!' I began walking normally once again.

I went up the stairs that led to Katherine, quickly saying a "Hi" to Lan who looked surprised to see me. I looked at Katherine who was talking to another adventurer who just left.

"Ad Astra Abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!" She said her usual catch phrase as I stood in front of her. "Hi Katherine, I just wanted to ask if you knew something about Beidou, Captain of the Crux", She nodded, "Yes, Beidou is a famous person here in Liyue Harbor, she is the captain of the Crux, as you said, she has been respected by basically everyone, and is said to be so powerful to be able to defeat a sea monster, visionless, with only her sword" She said, "She tends to aid the Adventurer's Guild from time to time, even causing adventurers to feel indebted by her, nonetheless, she is widely respected by the Adventurer's Guild" Katherine adds.

"I see, I'm sorry to ask for more but I kind of wanted to know where she is, I suppose I'm one of the adventurers who are indebted to her" I say as I put a hand on the back of my head as I smile awkwardly, "Then I'd say you are in luck, the captain has just arrived in Liyue, however I'm afraid I cannot tell you her exact location as of now, but I would suggest you can begin looking for her at the harbor"

"Alright, thank you, I'll be going now!" I quickly walked off as I made my way to the nearby harbor, and upon seeing the Crux in the distance, I decided to go to where it was.

My footsteps were making slightly loud sounds as I began walking on the wood planks as I approached one of the guys from Beidou's crew. "Excuse me, could you tell me where Beidou currently is?" I said as I caught his attention. "The captain? She went to the Jade chamber to speak to the Tianquan, can you tell me who you are? You look familiar" The guy said as the woman with whom he was talking also began looking at me.

"Hey! I remember you! Aren't you the one pipsqueak that we found on the sea that one time?" She pointed at me as she remembered my face, "I'm embarrassed to say but yeah, that was me, my name is Y/N, could you tell the captain I wished to talk to her if she appears?" I say, and she nods, "Thanks! I'll go there now!" I walked away as I directed myself to the teleporter that led to the Jade Chamber.


"Really don't want to go there..." I say to myself as I remember my past on that floating island.

"You just wanted the clothes, didn't you!?"

'I'm sorry Lady Ningguang, but these clothes are really cool!"

"...Really don't want to go" I mutttered as I imagined what face would that woman give me if I appeared in front of her.

I suddenly notice I was right in front of the Milileth soldier who stood near the teleporter, 'Oooops, daydreamed too much!' I walked up to him. "Y/N, correct?" The soldier spoke before me as he seemed to recognize me, "O-oh, yes!" I said, "Lady Ningguang has banned you from the Jade Chamber, if you want to talk to her, I may be able to give a message" He said.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now