18. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚈𝚊𝚔𝚜𝚑𝚊 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚝

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"Xiao! Heyyyyy! You there?" Y/N's voice was being loudly spoken as he walked towards Wangshu Inn. "Are you certain that simply speaking his name brings him to existence?" Jinhua said, as she noticed no one appeared when he spoke.

"Well, it worked when I did so before... Maybe he's busy with something else?" Y/N says, before sighing. "Either way, we should go to Wangshu Inn, and speak to that woman, I think Verr was her name?" He spoke, as the girl watched him, both following the path as they were now in Guili Plains, the tall Inn could be seen in the distance.

"Oh, and I think I might meet that cat as well..." Y/N muttered, catching Jinhua's attention. - Cat? One in Wangshu Inn, perhaps? - Jinhua wondered, as they kept walking.

After reaching the entrance of Wangshu Inn, they headed for the top, where they could see Verr Goldet, the boss of the Inn, as she said before.

"Hm, and that's a face I didn't think I'd be seeing today. Hello, Y/N, was it?" The woman said, as the cat beside her got wary of him. "Um, yes, I didn't think you'd remember me, it's been some time since. Still, I came here to see Xiao, again. So not much has changed." He says, as he glances at Jinhua, who just stood beside him.

"Well, he should be out doing his duties at this hour. And who might this girl be?" Verr asked, as she looked at Jinhua, who had her golden armor on.

"Oh, right. This is Jinhua, my friend. Jinhua, this is Verr Goldet, the owner of the Inn and stuff." He says, glancing at each other, as Jinhua decided to simply nod. - Hmph. The nerve to belittle me in such a manner. - Jinhua thought, as she believed that if she spoke, she might say something extremely rude, and ruin their visit.

"Hello to you as well, Jinhua." Verr said, smiling. "Still, you're going to wait some time until Xiao returns, or you could go randomly in the wild and search for him, which I don't think is the greatest idea." Verr said, recalling Xiao's ability to appear and reappear around.

"We'll be waiting here, then. Also, do you think I should bring food again? We did meet a few times..." "If you met him multiple times, it's probably not necessary. But it would help a lot if he's in a bad mood because of something." Verr said, causing Y/N to remember Hu Tao's words from earlier today.

"Well, I'll make some food then... Just to make sure..." Y/N says, heading to the kitchen.

Jinhua stood, watching the cat, who now rested again as Y/N had left. "His name is Wei, he's a pesky little guy. Still, he's cute, so I let him stay." Verr said, noticing Jinhua's glances. After a while, she decided to pet the cat, which said cat enjoyed as he began purring.

The woman watched curiously as both Jinhua and the cat seemed to enjoy the interaction.


After swearing to have seen a ghost inside that kitchen as he was cooking, Y/N decided to simply enjoy the view from the top of Wangshu Inn.

- It's been some time, should I yell Xiao again? -

As he thought so, he was interrupted by Jinhua, who was running around with Richie, a dog.

"Oh, you pitiful being. You want the ball, do you? Beg!" She said, as she held the ball quite high, the dog waiting for the girl to toss it on the air.

- Where did all your pride go, Jinhua? -

He wondered, as the girl threw the ball forward, the dog swiftly running to catch it.

"Hey. I'm gonna call him, you coming or...?" Y/N said, as he brought Jinhua back to reality. "Oh. Right, yes." She silently apologized to Richie, who watched as she did not pick up the ball again.

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now