33. 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜

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"You're a spy, aren't you, Murasaki?"

Such words shocked every single person who had been listening to this conversation, while Y/N stood quiet, silently looking at Shinobu while she stood still, with an ounce of irritation in her words.

"W-wait, what? There's... No way... Murasaki?"

Paimon asked, while she floated next to Aether's head, she looked distraught, but the person in question stood silent once more.

"...Are you not going to say anything for yourself?"

Shinobu asked angrily, taking a step forward, accidentally causing Y/N to believe she would attack him. However, it seemed the male had no energy to fight anymore, as he placed his hand over his Katana's sheath at a much slower speed than usual.


It seems he realized he had no more strength to fight, and sighed. He then decided to take off the piece of clothing from around his mouth, revealing his actual face.


Aether spoke, holding the handle of his blade tight as he recognized the man in front of him.

"I'm Y/N."

Y/N said, glancing over at Kazuha, who had stayed quiet while all of this happened, the male made a small sign to the Kaedehara, placing a finger over his mouth, almost as if to stay silent.

"... You're... Sara's brother! The ex-general! But- You disappeared!"

The green-haired woman exclaimed, not being able to think rationally due to the many events that happened in such a short time.

- ...What? But... his hair and his eyes... are different! -

Paimon thought as she observed Y/N.


In response, Y/N stood quiet once more. In his mind, however, he had been thinking of what his next actions should be.

- ...Do I... try to convince them... or... do I become... the villain? -

He wondered as he watched their expressions be filled with uncertainty as they looked at him.

"Everyone! Here you are- Oh...?"

Suddenly, the group could hear Ayaka's voice coming from the distance. Looking over, she had been carrying Sayu on her back, who had fallen asleep. The Kamisato seemed surprised as she looked at the maskless Murasaki.

"W-what... happened?"

She asked, as to which no one seemed to want to answer her question.

"...Shinobu realized I am a spy."

To the others' surprise, however, Y/N answered, confirming Shinobu's claims.


From the corner of the room, Itto's voice came out weak as he had just woken up. He took a look around before his gaze fell on Y/N, who didn't seem exactly happy to see him awake.


He tried to stand up, but Kazuha placed a hand on his shoulder, advising him to stay on the ground for now. The oni looked confused, but apparently followed the Kaedehara's advice.

"...So... do we... attack him?"

Paimon asked Aether with an uncertain tone in her voice.

- He... agreed to being a spy... but why...? -

The blonde stood silent, quietly wondering many questions inside his mind while none of the others seemingly wanted to take the first move.

"I am a spy. Shinobu is right. What will you do about it?"

𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 | ✦ Hu Tao x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now