Part 001

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I am one of those people who grew up being too used to killers being loose and wandering the streets, being told not to go out after dark, and to never go anywhere alone. Anyone my age grew up that way. After all, a murderous Mafia reigned over these parts for decades now.

I used to think it was stupid that the Ministry of Magic couldn't do anything about the Mafia. The Ministry of Magic that hundreds of the best aurors in the country work for can't stop the seeming slack and clearly illegal Mafia? That never added up in my little child-brain. But now, after years, that my brain is an adult one, I have different feelings.

Having worked as an auror myself for the past seven years now, on my eighth, I now realize that the Mafia, while seeming slack and clearly illegal, is very sly and smart about everything that they do. I will have to ask though, seeing all these neighborhoods being robbed, people getting hurt, getting killed, what goal does the Mafia really have? That's the part that I believe to be the key to taking down them down, putting them behind bars. If we just catch them off guard one time, if we see one mistake, we can make them fall from the bottom, all the way to the top. From what I've learned bringing all these criminals to prison, no goal means no plan, and no plan means, well, failure.

Of course, the problem with my beliefs is that it's meaningless that I have them.

The Ministry made a whole team in the auror office to deal with the Mafia about five years ago. That was something everyone wanted the Ministry to do since the Mafia had been at large for so long. That team made it so that only the select few could even get information about the Mafia, nevermind having the chance to face them. At the time, even though I had the same beliefs as I do now, I didn't have enough experience to be on the team. Now that I have enough experience, though, I have been set in stone in the Violent Crimes team. It's one of the best paid teams in the Ministry, as well as having quite a bit of a say in the Auror Office. Those things and much more on top of that makes the Violent Crimes team the team that most aurors dream to be apart. However, for me? I'm not so thrilled to be here.

For one, it's not the Mafia team.

For two, it's not the Mafia team.

"What do you have against the Mafia? Did they kill your parents or something?" Ron says as we walk back to our desks after lunch.

Ron is my coworker. As much as he is important to me, being my only friend and all since Hogwarts, he is probably the person that gets on my nerves the most.

"What if they did? That would be a very offensive comment." I say.

Ron scoffs. "I know your parents are alive. I'm not dumb.".

I sigh. "It's just that it's not fair.".

"Okay, this again." Ron says, "I've heard enough of the 'it's not fair that some people can just commit crimes and not get paid for it' thing. I want to know why you actually care about the Mafia.".

"What do you mean actually? I'm not lying to you. Don't you think it's unfair that innocent people have to die because of-".

Ron blocks his ears and speeds up away from me.


Working in the Violent Crimes team, it's most likely that you jinx it if you say nothing much happened that day. I don't think that'll be the case today, though. There's only ten minutes left in the work day and, if I'm not spending time catching the Mafia, any time doing anything is a waste.

I glance up at the clock every two seconds. I do sometimes feel dumb that I'm doing this again, waiting for the last ten minutes to pass just like I used to in Hogwarts, but the moment I get home and sit on the couch, feeling any bit of dumb is pointless.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...

"Hey, Potter?" Felix Castle says.

Castle is the head of the Violent Crimes team. He doesn't like me because apparently, even though he has years more of experience and is my boss, I'm better at doing my job than him. I think he has a fair point. But then again, if someone doesn't like me, I don't feel the need to like them, either.

I sigh shortly before turning to him. "Yes?" .

"Boss wants to see you." Castle says.

I blink. "Boss? The head of the Auror Office?".

Castle looks at me as if I did something wrong, as always. "Who else would it be?".

"Do I go to her office, then?" I say.

Castle nods. "Why does Boss want to see you, Potter?".

I get up from my seat and grab my jacket. "I have no idea. Do you have any?".

Castle glares at me again. "No.".

I shrug. "Guess I'll be finding out.".


There really was a few seconds left before I could go home. Of course Boss had to call me now and not literally any other time of the day. At this point, I don't think she likes me very much, either.

I'll make sure everything ends within five minutes and get home by five-thirty, watch me.

I knock on the door of Boss' office.

I haven't been here much. I don't ever have business to be here. I don't know what business I have to be here now, either. Castle asked a good question for once. Why did Boss want to see me? Did I finally mess something up after seven years, like Castle has been praying?

"Come in." Boss says from the other side of the door.

I walk in. Five minutes, in and out.

Boss looks at me over her case file. She takes off her reading glasses, smiling, for some reason. "I was expecting you, Harry Potter. Take a seat, please.".

"Good evening, ma'am." I say, sitting down in front of her.

"Yes, yes. Good evening to you, too. Would you like some tea?" Boss says.

Five minutes, in and out. That means no tea. Just do what needs to be done and get out of here. "No thank you.".

"Ah, of course. That's fine." Boss says, "Sorry to keep you from going home, by the way. I didn't have much time to spare today.".

I smile, trying to hide my bitterness. I'm not saying it worked, though. Small talk. When is she going to get to the point? "It's all good, ma'am. Why did you want to see me?".

Boss looks at me for a moment. "You are just as I heard you were. You're not scared of anything, are you?".

I blink. "Is that what people say about me?".

Boss laughs and doesn't answer me. "I suppose you want me to get to my point, yes?".

I pause for a second. "Well, sooner the better.".

"I wanted to talk to you about moving teams." Boss says, flashing a smile.

"What do you mean?" I say.

Boss leans forward on her desk. "I mean, what do you think about moving to the Mafia team, Mr Potter?".


Welcome to 'Long Live the Mafia Prince'!

A sincere thanks to those who read till the end🖤 I hope this first part was enjoyable for you and the many more parts to come will be the same. This is only the beginning of this bloody, tear-soaked journey, so please stick along for the ride!

(If you want to see the completed versions of this fanfic, visit me @drarstar_ on Instagram.)

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