Part 024

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Knock, knock.

"Come in.".

Slowly, I push open the door and walk into Ginny's hospital room. With light bandaging on her hands and a bruise or two on her arms, Ginny sits in her bed, holding a cup of tea.

"Hey." I say, sitting in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey." she says, "Did Granger let you walk around like this?".

I chuckle. "You know, she actually did. Pretty surprising.".

Smiling softly, Ginny puts down her cup on the bedside table.

"So..." I say, "are you... doing okay?".

She scuffs. "I have a headache, but I know it could be a lot worse when you've been kidnapped.".

I blink, looking down at her hands and arms. She sees me.

Holding her arms up, she waves them around. "Oh, these are on me. I punched a- You know what? We both have a lot to catch up on, don't we?".

"Who's going first?".


"He traded me?" Ginny says, reaching her height of confusion by the end of my story, "For what? To get you to come to him?".

I sigh. "I don't- He doesn't explain much-.".

"And you didn't think to ask? He made a deal that gets him nothing and you didn't even question if it was legitimate? When he's the Mafia at that?".

Why is she getting heated? "What else could I have done? Not take the deal and leave you there?".

"That's not what I-".

"I know he could've lied to me, and I know I could've been scammed," I say, "but it's over now, and none of that happened. I can't tell you why he did this, any of this, but it's all fixed now. Isn't that what matters?".

Ginny turns her head from me, looking down at the floor with crossed arms. I sigh again. "What happened to you, then?".

For a few moments, she stays silent, but begins eventually with a breath. "He locked me in a room.".

"A cell?" I say.

"No, a room. A real, normal room, maybe a spare guest room.".

I blink again. "What?".

Ginny keeps her eyes on the floor. "Someone gave me food three times a day, there was a real bathroom attached, and I could hear people walking outside the door. Like I said, it was a real room, and, other than the fact that the door was locked from the other side, it felt like I was at a hotel with room service.".

I also look down at the floor.

Of course, I had theories that Draco wouldn't hurt Ginny. If he didn't want to hurt me for whatever reason, he wouldn't with Ginny, too. Then again, that was a theory. Even if I was kept unharmed, Ginny was still an intruder with presumably bad intentions from their point of view. Draco had no reason to keep her alive, nevermind untouched. Knowing he has the brain that would kill his own father, it makes even less sense.

Why did he keep her safe, and, circling back to where it all started, why did he choose me with what plans?

"It's not like he didn't care about me." Ginny says, "Obviously he cared enough to give me food. More than that, he cared enough to lock me up. I smashed a window to get out, I saw him locking me back in. Why would he do that?".

I look up. "He wanted to trade you.".

She rolls her eyes. "I know he did, but why would-".

Someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." Ginny says.

On the other side of the door is Ron.

"Harry, what's going on?" he says.

Before I can even process, Ginny cuts in. "Okay, just because you came to see me earlier, doesn't mean you can just ignore your Mafia-kidnapping-survivor sister.".

Ron doesn't even acknowledge her. "Answer me, Harry. Did you tell Granger to do this?".

I get up from my seat. "What are you talking about? What did Granger-".

"So you didn't tell her it was okay to send aurors to the Mafia castle?".


Quick steps, I rush beside Ron.

"How does she know where the Mafia castle is?" I say, passing confused nurses and doctors.

"She doesn't." Ron says, pushing the door open, leading us out of the building, "I heard she was going to have aurors follow you there tonight.".

"What? Why?!" I say, almost getting hit by a car crossing the road.

"How would I know?! I thought you told her to!".

How much dumber can a person get... "Why does she even think that's going to work? Hasn't she seen what happened to Ginny?".

Ron grabs my arm to apparate. "Apparently she's sending a team of aurors.".

With a quick second of feelings vacuumed, we land in front of the Ministry grounds. We run inside.

"Is sending a team going to make a difference?" Ron says.

"No!" I say, "The Mafia has hundreds of people, bored and ready to kill every non-Mafia member they see, of course it's not going to make a difference!".

"Well, then," Ron says, "We're going to have to stop her.".

With a sharp corner, we barge into the Mafia team office. Granger isn't hard to find, sitting calmly at her desk as if everything was going to be fine.

"Stop the mission." I say, bolting up to her, "Right now.".

She looks at me, startled and confused. "What are you doing here, Potter? You are supposed to be-".

"Supposed to be hidden away so I can't see what you're up to? You really thought I was going to let you make clearly dumb decisions-".

"Ma'am," Ron says, pulling me back by the shoulder, "we request for the mission of sending aurors into the Mafia lair to be postponed, if not canceled.".

Glaring between Ron and I, Granger leans back in her seat. "And why should I listen to you?".

"I know the situation is complicated, but-" Ron starts, but I cut him off.

"Because this mission is terrible." I say, shoving Ron back this time, "Not only will it fail, but it will get people killed, and if human lives don't matter to you, it'll harm your reputation. Whatever is on the line, it's not worth losing for the slightest chance of ending the Mafia legacy. Don't you understand that?".

My heart racing, I let out harsh breaths. Granger on the other hand, barely seems to have heard me. "You say that with such confidence, what backs you up here? What gives you the assurance that my mission will fail?".

I scoff, dumbfounded. "Haven't you heard a single thing I said? You are sending our aurors to the Mafia's lair, the center of their power! You think because the Mafia boss is dead, because the new Mafia boss is seemingly leaving us a trail to follow, that things are going to be easy?".

"I don't think that at all." Granger says with a settled tone, "I think, reasonably so with my years of experience and position, that this is the easiest it's going to get for us, for the Ministry, for the people. This might be our last chance, Potter. I don't want to miss it because of you.".

I pause, unable to spit out words. Nothing but standing, I'm powerless in stopping the foreseeable future.

Everything I did, getting involved with Draco, risking my friends, putting down my career, it was all to protect the innocent, to bring justice to the guilty. But now, it all seems pointless. The sacrifices I made, it was all for... this.

Granger gets up from her desk. "I will be going through with my mission. Harry Potter, you are ordered to meet with the Mafia boss tonight.".

Then, passing Ron and I, she heads out of the room.

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